White veal is meat from a young calf fed on a diet of cow’s milk and milk replacer products, resulting in a pale color and mild flavor. It is low in fat and often served with a cream sauce or broth-based gravy. The use and sale of veal is controversial due to concerns about animal welfare, but some farmers have made changes to improve conditions for the calves.
White veal is meat from a calf that was usually between 18 and 20 weeks old when it was slaughtered. This type of meat is also referred to as suckling veal or formula-fed veal. White veal is off-white or pale pink in color, has a firm, soft texture, and is easy to chew. Veal has a mild flavor compared to beef from adult cattle.
The calves that are used for white veal are fed a diet based on cow’s milk and milk replacer products which contain vitamins and minerals. This diet reduces the iron content in the blood, preventing the meat from turning the typical red color associated with beef. The diet also influences the delicate taste of white veal.
Veal is a popular ingredient in French and Italian dishes and has been used for thousands of years. This meat is a by-product of the dairy industry. Dairy cows must become pregnant and give birth to stimulate milk production. The offspring are raised for use as a dairy cow, raised for use as a bull, or used for veal.
White veal is low in fat. It hardens easily, so cooks preparing veal must take care to preserve the texture. This is usually accomplished by coating and frying the veal or serving it with a cream sauce or broth-based gravy. Cooks usually serve veal lightly seasoned to bring out its delicate flavor or heavily seasoned, using veal as a carrier for the more complex flavors in a dish.
The use and sale of veal is somewhat controversial. Animal rights groups often ask the public to avoid eating veal because it comes from calves and the way calves are treated by some farmers. Most calves will naturally wake up from the milk after about eight weeks and begin grazing. Veal producers interrupt this process, preventing the calves from grazing and keeping them on a dairy diet, and many farmers restrict the animals’ movement by keeping them in small pens or by tying them in place. This prevents the calves’ connective tissues and muscles from developing, so that the veal is not tough.
Farmers have made changes in response to the dispute. Many allow calves to roam free in small enclosures and have modified their animals’ diets to include some forage. In some countries, farmers are required to feed calves a minimum of 250g of solid grain each day, starting at eight weeks of age. This produces a slightly pink veal.