Burning feet syndrome causes burning sensations, pain, sensitivity to touch, and excessive sweating in the feet. It can also affect vision. It is linked to several diseases, and diagnosis is best done by a health professional. Treatment varies depending on the cause, and prevention includes wearing natural leather shoes and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Also known as Grierson-Gopalan syndrome, burning feet syndrome is a condition that causes burning sensations and pains in the feet. Other foot-related symptoms are extreme sensitivity to touch and excessive sweating. Sometimes the syndrome also affects the eyes by severely impairing vision or causing amblyopia, also known as lazy eye. Most people with this syndrome do not experience tenderness or redness in their feet, but these symptoms do occur occasionally. This condition is linked to several diseases and health problems, including diabetes and a thyroid hormone deficiency.
Diagnosing burning feet syndrome is best done by a health professional. He or she will note the patient’s symptoms and perhaps order an X-ray, MRI, and nerve conduction velocity test. Gender can also be taken into consideration because women are more likely to be diagnosed with burning feet syndrome than men. Also, certain age groups tend to be more susceptible.
In some cases, burning feet syndrome can be completely cured by treating the cause. Successfully treating a vitamin deficiency, a neurological disorder, or alcoholism, which are some known causes of this syndrome, can eliminate the condition altogether. Sometimes the syndrome is hereditary and due to the extreme rarity of this, there is no known effective treatment. If a quick cure is not available, as is often the case, some relief can be sought by making lifestyle changes or applying a cream.
Treatment for this condition varies depending on the cause. A doctor may advise the patient to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. If the patient doesn’t normally smoke or drink, he or she might try using a cream designed to improve blood flow to the feet. Comfortable shoes and socks with good ventilation and cold water can also provide relief. Herbal supplements are also a popular treatment, though it’s usually not scientifically proven to be effective or widely recommended by doctors.
Some steps can be taken to prevent burning feet syndrome from happening or recurring. Wearing natural leather shoes instead of synthetic rubber or plastic shoes can minimize the risk of coming into contact with chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction. Socks and stockings should be washed before wearing and made from a breathable fabric, such as cotton or wool. As usual, regular checkups with a doctor can catch diseases and ailments early, before this syndrome presents itself as a symptom. Also, bad habits, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and an unbalanced diet, should be corrected.