Narcissists lack empathy, have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, and require excessive validation. They believe they are entitled to control those close to them and may manipulate others to maintain that control. They cannot accept personal flaws and often blame others for their mistakes. They may not understand how their actions harm others and are workaholics preoccupied with acquiring social status, wealth, or power.
People with narcissism often tend to exhibit a number of common personality traits. These characteristics tend to include a lack of empathy for others and maintaining some emotional distance. People with narcissism generally tend to think they are better than others and usually treat others with contempt and contempt, except perhaps for some authority figures who may have earned their admiration. Narcissists are generally prone to fits of anger, especially when they believe they are not getting their way. They are typically envious of other people and may believe that other people are envious of them, and generally have an exaggerated sense of their own importance, require excessive emotional validation, and may find it impossible to create or maintain emotional intimacy.
Most experts believe narcissists are completely self-centered. They tend to think of every situation and person they encounter in terms of how meaningful it is to them personally. Narcissists typically don’t care about the feelings, needs, opinions, or ideas of others. They often don’t seek emotional intimacy from relationships, but instead use relationships as a means to gain more attention for themselves.
People with narcissism generally believe they have the right to be in total control of those close to them and may often engage in emotionally manipulative ways to gain and maintain that control. Narcissists can fly into a rage when their tantrums are denied or things don’t go their way. They typically experience a strong sense of entitlement, believing they are entitled to anything they want, at any time.
Characteristics of narcissism also generally include an inability to acknowledge or accept personal flaws or mistakes. People with narcissism tend to think of themselves as perfect and incapable of making mistakes. When narcissists make mistakes, they usually try to blame others. Narcissists are often willing to use criticism, emotional manipulation, and outright lies in their attempts to pin the blame for their mistakes on someone else.
Because narcissists don’t understand the emotional reactions of people with healthy egos, they may not fully understand how their actions and words can harm others. Most psychologists believe that narcissists don’t really care if their behavior hurts other people. People with narcissism may hurt another person and then attempt to convince the injured party that they have misbehaved by refusing to accept hurtful treatment. Often times, narcissists can appear to hurt others on purpose. They may continue to display abusive behaviors even after being asked not to, for example, and may escalate those behaviors as a means of self-validation.
Sufferers of narcissism generally cannot accept any form of criticism, although they are often ready to criticize others, usually for a long time. They are often workaholics, as they may be preoccupied with acquiring social status, wealth, or power. Narcissists are usually overly concerned with outward appearances and are generally out of touch with their own feelings, memories, and experiences.