Fermented pickles are cucumbers aged in a blend of spices and acids, creating a unique flavor and preserving the pickles. The process requires clean containers, the right proportions, and refrigeration. Canned pickles can last up to six months.
Fermented pickles are cucumbers that have been placed in a blend of spices and acids and allowed to age for a period of time. During the time the cucumbers are fermenting, different bacteria grow in the liquid and create a unique flavor. They also produce chemicals that help preserve the pickles. The method used to create fermented pickles should not be confused with another method that uses only vinegar and spices to flavor the pickles, leaving out the entire fermentation period. In grocery stores, fermented pickles are usually easy to identify, because they need to be refrigerated to stay fresh.
The fermentation process requires the presence of good bacteria in the fermenting liquid. These bacteria feed on elements in the brine and create lactic acid. This acid has a preservative quality that will help pickles keep longer when refrigerated. The lactic acid also imparts a slightly acidic flavor which is one of the hallmarks of fermented pickles. Fermentation time for pickles can be as little as four weeks or two months.
One of the most important aspects of making fermented pickles is making sure that all vessels used for fermentation are perfectly clean and sterile. This is because, otherwise, harmful bacteria and other germs could be inside the containers. If you allow harmful yeast or bacteria to ferment, your batch of pickles will become rancid, moldy, or inedible. Sterilizing the containers in boiling water can help reduce the chance of this happening, although hot soapy water can also work in this case.
The basic process for creating fermented pickles is to pour the brine solution, which contains salt, vinegar, and other spices, into a jar that holds the clean, raw cucumbers. The jar is sealed with a sterile lid and then placed in a dark area for 4-8 weeks. It is essential to follow the exact proportions called for in the pickle recipe. If one of the measurements is off, the environment within the brine may be turned off and the bacteria may not be growing, meaning the pickles will not ferment. This can result in rotten pickles or pickles that pose serious health risks when eaten.
Once you’ve completed your fermented pickles, the safest way to store them is to pickle them. This involves sterilizing a new container first. The pickle liquid is poured into a pan and heated to kill most of the bacteria, while also blocking the possibility of the pickles continuing to ferment. The liquid is strained, added to the new jar with the pickles, and then refrigerated. Canned pickles can last in the refrigerator for up to six months.