There are over 100 types of brain tumors, including gliomas, metastatic tumors, pituitary tumors, PNETs, and benign tumors like meningiomas. Gliomas are the largest and most common, with astrocytomas being the most malignant. Brain stem gliomas are common in children and often not treated with surgery. Metastatic tumors are aggressive and often return after treatment. Pituitary tumors can affect hormone production and are usually benign. PNET tumors are invasive and require aggressive treatment. Meningiomas are slow-growing and usually treated surgically.
There are more than 100 types of brain tumors. The main categories are gliomas, metastatic tumors, pituitary tumors, primary neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs), and benign tumors such as meningiomas. These types of brain tumors are usually classified based on the types of cells in which they originated and the severity of the tumor.
Gliomas are the largest of the various types of brain tumors. Gliomas originate in the supporting tissue of the brain, which is made up of glial cells. The most common type of glioma is astrocytoma, which is very malignant and can affect both children and adults. Astrocytomas put pressure on the skull which can lead to headaches, balance problems, nausea and double vision.
A brain stem glioma is one of the types of brain tumors that occur in the brain stem. These tumors are more common in children, can affect movement on one or both sides of the body, and can cause problems with double vision and coordination. Their location means that most brainstem gliomas are not treated with surgery.
The most common types of brain tumors are metastatic tumors, which are tumors that have invaded the brain from other infected parts of the body. These types of brain tumors are very malignant and are usually treated aggressively with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a combination of two or more of the three. They often return after remission and usually start as skin, lung, or breast cancer.
Pituitary tumors occur on or near the pituitary gland at the base of the skull. These types of tumors can have an adverse effect on the function of the pituitary gland, largely responsible for controlling the body’s glandular system, which produces and regulates vital hormones. Pituitary tumors are more likely to be benign than many other types of brain tumors, but their proximity to the pituitary gland and brain still makes them very dangerous. They are usually removed surgically and recurrence is not as common as with malignant tumors.
Other malignant brain tumors include PNET tumors, which are very invasive and can occur anywhere in the brain. They are associated with severe headaches caused by increased pressure in the skull. They often occur near the cerebellum, where they are referred to as medulloblastomas. Aggressive treatment is needed to prevent PNET tumors from metastasizing and moving throughout the central nervous system.
The most common benign types of brain tumors are meningiomas. Meningiomas occur in the tissue that protects the brain and is located near the skull. Meningiomas are slow growing and patients are often unaware of them for many years before they are detected. They are generally treated surgically with a good success rate, although they occasionally recur or become malignant.