A latte is a coffee drink made with frothy milk and espresso, often flavored with syrups or powders. To make a vanilla latte, espresso is prepared with an espresso machine and vanilla extract, powder, or syrup is added to the steamed milk. The milk can be frothed with a milk frother or whisked by hand.
A latte is a coffee drink that consists of a blend of frothy milk and espresso. Espresso is a form of coffee made by using a machine to force hot water into ground coffee beans, which gives them a stronger, more concentrated flavor. The combination of steamed milk foam and espresso gets its name from the Italian word for milk, latte. While traditional lattes consist simply of milk and espresso, variations are often made with the use of flavoring powders or syrups. A vanilla latte is a common variation of the drink and consists of a combination of milk, espresso, and vanilla extract, powder, or syrup, to add a sweet flavor.
The process of making a vanilla latte typically begins by preparing the espresso base of the drink with the use of an espresso machine, a machine that dispenses hot water through ground coffee beans at a higher pressure than is used from basic drip coffee makers. If high pressure is not used, the coffee portion of the milk will not have the characteristic strong flavour. The exact type of coffee beans doesn’t really matter because espresso is the product of the specific type of high-pressure brewing method, rather than being the result of a specific type of coffee bean.
Once you’ve made the espresso portion of a vanilla latte, the next step is generally to prepare the frothy latte portion. The milk is steamed over low heat until heated through. To make the milk frothy, a device known as a milk frother can be used to gently whisk the steamed milk until it produces a froth. The process can also be done by hand with the use of a whisk. Some versions of a latte call for mixing the steamed milk into the espresso and topping it separately with frothed milk, while other versions may use the frothed milk as a mixer.
A basic latte can be made into a vanilla latte with the addition of some form of vanilla flavoring. Vanilla milk flavors generally come in a variety of forms. For a more concentrated flavor, vanilla extract can be blended into espresso and frothy milk. Another common option for vanilla lettuce is to use vanilla syrup, a combination of sugar, water, and vanilla beans that are boiled together until they form a thick liquid. Commercial vanilla-flavored powders designed specifically for coffee-based beverages can also be used to add a sweet vanilla flavor to milk.