Eye movement is not a reliable way to detect lies as experienced liars can control their body language. Asking questions and listening for inconsistencies is more effective. Lack of eye contact may not indicate deception and dilated pupils can be caused by stress or medication.
Many people think they can tell when someone is lying by looking at the movement of the person’s eyes, but studies have shown that this isn’t a reliable way to detect dishonesty. It has also been shown that experienced liars can learn to control their body language, making it extremely difficult to detect lies just by looking at them. More reliable ways to lie to someone include asking lots of questions and asking the person to repeat their story as they listen to the inconsistencies.
Read more about eyes and lying:
Some people believe that failing to maintain eye contact is a sign of deception. The problem with this assumption is that missing eye contact could be a result of cultural expectations, shyness, or even being on the autism spectrum. Also, scammers often make eye contact as a way to bluff their victims.
Dilated pupils – pupils that have opened wider – are sometimes associated with cheating, although they can also be the result of stress or the use of certain medications.
Studies have shown that there is a connection between pupil dilation and sexual attraction.