Noma, a gangrenous disease that attacks tissue in the mouth and face, mainly affects malnourished children in developing countries. Early treatment with antibiotics and nutritional support can slow the spread of the disease, which can cause severe disfigurement and has a high mortality rate. Prevention through education on hygiene, nutrition, and sanitation is crucial.
Cancrum oris, also called noma, is a destructive bacterial infection that attacks tissue in the mouth and face. This disease, which is a form of gangrene, is not contagious and is mainly found in children in developing countries. It is associated with malnutrition and a weak immune system. Early treatment with antibiotics and nutritional support can slow the spread of the disease.
Noma, the Greek word for devour, is a term used to describe the rapid tissue destruction of cancrum oris. Patients can develop large areas of dead tissue on the face leading to severe disfigurements. This disfigurement can interfere with the patient’s ability to eat or speak.
The highest incidence of noma is observed in children living in the African countries of Nigeria and Senegal, although this disease is also present in some countries of Asia and South America. Most patients who get orifice cancer are between the ages of 1 and 4. These patients live in poorly sanitary areas with unsafe drinking water and often share their living quarters with domesticated livestock.
An outbreak of this gangrenous disease in a child usually appears after another viral or bacterial infection, such as measles or malaria. A weakened immune system, poor diet, and poor oral hygiene could lead to the formation of mouth ulcers. These ulcers provide an environment for bacteria to enter tissue. A combination of bacteria which includes Fusobacterium and Prevotella species are thought to be the primary agents causing ear cancer. The enzymes and toxins released by these bacteria are responsible for tissue destruction.
Early symptoms of this disease include fever, swelling, and a foul odor coming from the mouth. These acute symptoms can progress rapidly until the bacteria have destroyed the soft tissues, muscles and bones. Many patients do not receive medical attention during acute symptoms, although early treatment with antibiotics can slow the progression of the disease.
Patients who do not receive medical care usually develop severe disfigurement of the face and jaw. They may see some benefit from surgical reconstruction after the condition has been treated, but full function is almost never restored. Cancrum oris has a high mortality rate.
Prevention is often considered the best way to deal with oral cancer. Educating families on hygiene, nutrition and sanitation is an important step in prevention. Encouraging mothers to breastfeed longer can also improve the nutritional and immune status of babies in affected countries. Teaching families about the early symptoms of oral cancer can allow patients to receive antibiotic treatment quickly enough to prevent serious disfigurement or death.