Design factors are essential considerations when creating a system or structure to meet job requirements. Engineers establish design factors based on stress factors, including environmental and physical stress, and incorporate safety factors to ensure the project can withstand high-stress situations. Engineers also consider environmental and social impacts, which are included in technical specifications to ensure all parties are aware of requirements and limits.
Design factors are considerations that must be met when a system or structure is designed to ensure that it meets the job requirements. For example, an engineer designing a bridge might need it to be able to carry 1,000 cars an hour. Design factors create a basic minimum standard for the engineer to consider when developing factor of safety, or factor of safety. This results in the maximum stress a system can withstand before failing and should always be greater than the design factor to prevent problems.
When a project is under development, the individual or organization commissioning it will provide some specifics about the type of stress the system must withstand. These can include environmental factors such as extreme heat or cold, physical stress in the form of weight and moving objects, and so on. For structures, seismic factors must be incorporated, while something like equipment must be able to handle a certain number of operations per hour.
The engineer uses this information to establish design factors. They represent the tolerances that the project must comply with in order to satisfy the customer’s needs. Next, the engineer considers an appropriate safety factor to create a margin for error. The engineer might decide that the finished design should be able to withstand 10 times the intended strain, for example. This ensures that it will continue to function under high stress situations.
In addition to considering the physical limitations of a project, engineers may also consider other topics such as environmental and social impacts. These can be an important part of design factors and can be the difference between a sustainable project and failure. For example, when designing a high-speed train, engineers need to think about noise abatement to limit noise pollution and keep nearby communities happy with the train. Similarly, engineers might think about the sources of raw materials on a project to determine if they can be obtained in a more environmentally friendly way.
Engineers typically discuss design and safety factors in a project’s technical specification. This information is explained to ensure that all concerned are aware of the limits and requirements. Also, if something goes wrong, it can be important to determine how and why the engineers calculated the design factors. This will show if the issue was a truly unexpected issue or the result of an error on the part of the design team.