Sacroiliac strain is pain in the ligaments supporting the sacroiliac joints, often felt in the lower back, hip or buttock. It can be caused by pregnancy, lifting, driving, injury or arthritis. Treatment includes medication, therapy, rest and preventative measures such as stretching and wearing a SI joint belt.
Sacroiliac strain is a painful tightening of the ligaments that support the sacroiliac joints (SI joints), the two joints on either side of the pelvis. It is usually first noticed as a pain in the lower back, or in one hip or buttock. The pain can extend down the leg or all the way around the groin and testicles in men. Sometimes referred leg or back pain is mistaken for sciatica.
The sacroiliac joints connect the sacrum, a set of five vertebrae in the lower back, and the hip, or iliac, bones. These joints are connected by a strong set of ligaments that protect the joints and also limit their movement in some way. When the ligaments are injured or inflamed, joint pain and SI joint dysfunction can occur.
The sacroiliac joint is especially vulnerable in pregnant women when the ligaments loosen in preparation for childbirth. The SI joints support the weight of the entire upper body, so the extra weight of pregnancy can make SI pain worse. Other things that can cause SI strain are prolonged periods of lifting, long-distance driving, traumatic injuries to the area, and inflammatory diseases such as spinal arthritis.
Sacroiliac strain can be diagnosed by a doctor and can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, heat therapy, and rest. Physical therapy or chiropractic care might also be helpful. Most people who experience a strain can return to normal activities after about a week of treatment, although continued treatment may be required.
Sometimes it’s impossible to prevent SI strain, but being mindful during activities like heavy lifting can help. In the early stages of SI joint pain, it may be helpful for sufferers to take a break from activities that tend to make the pain worse. Some people find that taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug can prevent a sharp pain episode if taken at the first sign of exertion. Stretching and strengthening exercises can also be effective in preventing recurring episodes.
A SI joint belt might also help relieve SI joint pain and prevent inflammation. This device is worn around the hips and supports the entire sacroiliac region. For pregnant women, a special maternity belt can relieve the extra pressure on the SI joints, even in women who weren’t subjected to SI strain before pregnancy. There are many different types and brands of belts and other sacroiliac devices; a healthcare professional can guide patients in choosing the right one.