PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by a traumatic experience, which can include war, rape, and natural disasters. Symptoms can include nightmares, avoidance, and irritability. Treatment includes medication and therapy.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that a person experiences after a very traumatic experience. Intense feelings of horror, fear, and helplessness usually cause this type of anxiety disorder. A person with PTSD can be so overwhelmed with intense feelings of hopelessness that they may find it difficult to move on with their life. The duration of the disturbance can vary. For some people, the disorder may be short-lived and for others, the condition may persist for a long time.
In most cases, a person with PTSD has been involved in or witnessed a traumatic event or experience. Some common examples of a traumatic experience include the death of a loved one, being diagnosed with a serious health condition, and witnessing something traumatizing happen to another person. Traumatic events can include war, rape, harassment, a terrible car accident, and being involved in a natural disaster such as a flood or fire. The disturbance can also be caused by having been robbed, kidnapped and brutally attacked. Additionally, different types of psychological trauma and a predisposition to mental illness can make a person susceptible to this disorder as well.
A person who has experienced a traumatic event may be more predisposed to developing PTSD under certain conditions. For example, if the person doesn’t have a strong support system, she may feel more overwhelmed and develop the disorder. If the event was particularly severe and long-lasting, this may predispose the person as well. Additionally, the disturbance may be more profound in individuals with an existing mental illness.
The symptoms of PTSD can be very extensive. An individual can be very private and quiet. As a result, close relationships can change or fall apart. He or she may have trouble sleeping and have frequent nightmares about the event. The person may have difficulty concentrating and may have flashbacks of the event quite often.
Anger and irritability can also be symptoms. In many cases, the person will avoid doing things they enjoyed before the event happened. There are instances of this disorder where the inflicted person will engage in self-destructive behavior or lash out at others. The individual can become very anxious and can also be easily frightened. Some people feel hopeless about the future because the present seems so overwhelming.
Doctors can treat PTSD with a variety of medications. Doctors often prescribe antidepressants to combat the depression that can accompany this disorder. Anxiolytic drugs may also be used. Additionally, many people may benefit from therapy to express their feelings. It is important to provide a person suspected of having PTSD some type of medical care as soon as symptoms of the disorder appear.