Purpura is a condition where purple patches appear on the skin, inside the mouth, or on organs due to blood vessels leaking and blood pooling under the skin. There are two types, nonthrombocytopenic and thrombocytopenic, with different causes. The condition is caused by a faulty autoimmune response and is generally not life-threatening.
Purpura is a condition in which purple, bruise-like patches appear on the skin, inside the mouth, or on organs. This occurs when blood vessels begin to leak and blood pools under the skin. The spots can be large and look like a bruise, or small and look like a rash.
There are two types of purpura, defined by an individual’s platelet count. Platelets are tiny molecules in the blood that give blood its clotting properties. Those with purpura and normal platelet levels have a condition called nonthrombocytopenic purpura, while those who also show lower than normal platelet levels have thrombocytopenic purpura. Acute cases are short-term and last less than six months, while chronic cases last more than six months.
The spots themselves have different names, depending on the size and appearance of the spots. Small spots that resemble a rash are called petechiae. Large patches that look like bruises are called ecchymoses.
Typically, there are other symptoms that go hand in hand with the distinctive spots on the skin. Individuals with this condition often have the same spots inside the mouth and gums. They are also prone to nosebleeds and dramatic bleeding during visits to the dentist. Women may have heavier and more difficult menstrual cycles than normal.
The causes vary according to the type of purpura diagnosed in individuals. Non-thrombocytopenic conditions can be caused by drugs or medications that affect platelet function, blood vessel inflammation, congenital rubella, or congenital cytomegalovirus. The woman can also develop this type due to the pressure changes in the body during childbirth. Thrombocytopenic purpura can be caused by a hemangioma, meningococcemia, or blood-thinning medications that prevent platelets from forming. Even newborns can be susceptible to this type, especially if the mother has the same condition.
At the most basic level, the condition is caused by a faulty autoimmune response by the body. When functioning properly, the immune system attacks invading viruses and helps prevent disease. It is not known why, but occasionally the body also begins to destroy platelets as it would destroy the intruding cells. When this happens, the blood’s natural ability to clot decreases and blood vessels leak.
Purpura is generally not life-threatening. It is possible that bleeding in the brain could occur due to leaking blood vessels; this is extremely rare but can also be fatal. In many cases, this condition goes away on its own within weeks or months of starting. In severe cases, medications or surgery may be used to regulate it, although individuals can live comfortably with the condition for decades.