The spoke razor is a wood carving tool with two handles and a blade that can carve rounded surfaces. It can have flat or curved profiles and is used by pushing or pulling against the workpiece. It has been used for a long time, with prehistoric versions made of stone. Similar tools include drawing knives and cabinet scrapers. Some woodworkers prefer wood handles and make their own tools.
The spoke razor is a cutting and shaping tool used in wood carving. It has two handles aligned with each other on both sides of the blade. It works similar to a bench plane, but due to its shape, it can carve rounded surfaces. Some of these surfaces include the traditional wheel spokes, which gave the instrument its name, as well as curved seat surfaces, spindles, canoe paddles, and some types of furniture legs, such as the cabriole leg.
The parts of a shave consist of the body, sole, blade adjustment screws, and grips. The body holds the blade and its underside is referred to as the sole. The blade adjustment screws are typically located on the top of the body and can have a variety of functions, from adjusting the height of the blade to adjusting the curvature of the blade. The handles are usually made of wood or metal and flank the body.
These implements can have different blade and sole profiles, typically flat or curved. Those that have both flat blades and soles are called flat shaves. A curved spoke is also known as a round spoke, and its blade and sole can have a convex or concave formation. Those that are concave are also referred to as compass spokes.
To use this tool, the work piece is usually first clamped in a vice. Then, the razor is held against the surface and pushed or pulled. The blade is at an angle to the sole and the piece to be carved. As the carpenter holds the handles, moving the tool across the surface with light pressure, the wood is shaved off the workpiece.
This tool has been used for a long time. Archaeologists have discovered prehistoric spokes made of stone. Prior to the mid-1800s, most of these tools had wooden handles. When the first bench planes were cast in metal, spoke shaves with metal handles also began to be mass-produced.
Many woodworkers often like the feel of a wood handled razor. Since this is the case, many traditional artisans make them this way. Some carpenters make their own rade, harking back to the days when craftsmen made most of the tools they used.
Tools similar to this tool include drawing knives and cabinet scrapers. A pocketknife’s blade is much longer and can be used to debark trees or to remove large amounts of wood than a razor. Cabinet scrapers have a vertical blade which is used to flake the wood as they are scraped vertically to the wood, instead of cutting at an angle and cutting the wood away from the workpiece.