Autistic adults face challenges with relationships, employment, and communication due to difficulties with social skills. Asperger’s Syndrome can cause poor social skills and frustration, but can be improved with training. Autistic individuals struggle with change and routine is important. Special attention and training at a young age can improve prospects.
Autistic adults face a variety of obstacles, including difficulties forming and maintaining relationships, finding and keeping a job, and communicating effectively with others. Autism is a type of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) that affects communication skills. Autistic adults can have a mild form of autism, such as Asperger’s, or a more severe form that prevents them from speaking.
People with Asperger’s Syndrome can hold conversations, but may have difficulty understanding social rules. They usually have a normal or high level of intelligence, but poor social skills, which holds them back. Even adults with Asperger’s may have a low level of frustration or seem detached from others. Usually, adults with Asperger’s can dramatically improve their social skills through specialized training sessions and behavior therapy.
One challenge that autistic adults face is initiating and maintaining relationships and friendships. Because autism affects the ability to read faces and emotions, individuals may find it difficult to hold conversations and follow basic forms of social rituals. Many autistic individuals do not maintain eye contact for very long, which can be discouraging for neurotypical people. Many autistic people don’t have many friends because of their quirks.
Many autistic people never get married. Romantic relationships are very challenging for those who cannot understand the normal give and take of a relationship. Those who are married may find it difficult to communicate with their spouses.
Another common problem faced by autistic adults is finding and keeping a job. Positions that require a high degree of social interaction are generally not suitable for people with autism. Autistic applicants usually find the job interview quite daunting due to their poor social skills.
Many autistic individuals also have problems with change. They typically dislike changes of any kind in their environments or routines. Typical coping mechanisms include shaking, rocking, or clapping. Autistic people generally struggle for order and routine at all times and can have breakdowns if their regular routine is changed. Their love of routine can be a positive trait in technical work environments, but it generally gets in the way of many aspects of their lives.
Overall, autistic people find social situations very difficult. Many of them have to take social skills training or special education courses to learn how to function in ordinary society. Behavior modification programs and medications help some individuals with autism. Adults who have received special attention and social skills training at a young age usually have the best prospects.