An embryo is a multicellular organism in early development that cannot survive on its own. It begins at fertilization and can refer to any stage of prenatal development in animals. The definition of human embryos is debated, with the term fetus used after eight weeks. Plant embryos can take on different shapes and are commonly encased in seeds. Embryos require parental care until they reach viability.
An embryo is an organism in the early stages of development that cannot survive on its own. The precise definition of it varies; in humans, for example, a fertilized egg may be considered an embryo until the eighth week of pregnancy, at which point it is referred to as a fetus. Embryos in animals typically indicate any stage of prenatal development, including those in wombs or eggs. Plant embryos can take on a number of different shapes, although they are commonly encased in seeds.
The term “embryo” is used only to refer to “eukaryotes” or multicellular organisms. Typically, people use the term specifically to refer to diploid eukaryotes, which have a complete set of genetic material from two donors. This genetic material takes the form of haploid sperm and ova; a haploid cell contains only half of a set of chromosomes, meaning it cannot develop into anything unless combined with another.
The formation of an embryo begins at fertilization. When an egg and a sperm meet, they form a “zygote”. A zygote is a single diploid cell, created by the fusion of two haploid cells. After fertilization, the zygote begins to divide, setting the stage for the mature organism that will eventually be born, hatch, or grow. When this division begins, the zygotes turn into embryos.
Human development
The state of human embryos is quite complex. At conception, a human egg and sperm become a zygote, which begins to divide, becoming an embryo. There is much debate about the definition of human embryos in terms of “life”. This debate has led to conflicts in many parts of the world, especially when it comes to terminating a pregnancy. As a human embryo matures, it begins to transform into a recognizable shape, at which point people refer to it as a fetus.
Development in animals
Embryos cannot survive independently because they lack the necessary tissues, body structure and organs to do so. The parent of an embryo must feed it and keep watch until it reaches viability. In mammals, this is accomplished by incubating it within the body and feeding it nutrients from the parents. Egg-laying animals provide the embryo with a rich layer of nutrients enclosed in a hard shell, which protects it until it is ready to be born.
Plant embryos
The development of embryos in plants depends on how different species replicate. Those that use seeds include small structures that grow into leaves, roots, and stems, which make up the embryos of these plants. Other species produce embryos as small plants that grow alongside the larger plant before separating on their own to continue growing.