Using an abrasive wheel on a regular circular saw to cut metal is inefficient and costly. A metal-cutting circular saw with a specially designed blade is more efficient, cost-effective, and produces cleaner cuts with less heat. It also creates less friction, resulting in faster metalworking. Metal cutting circular saws are designed to prevent debris from entering the motor housing and other moving parts.
In the past, the best method for cutting metal was to use an abrasive cutting wheel on a regular circular saw. While it worked, it was inefficient, expensive, and time consuming. Today, a metal-cutting circular saw can be used to cut metal; the specially designed metal cutting blade makes a cleaner cut through metal and does not heat the metal as much as an abrasive wheel would. The metal-cutting circular saw itself cuts metal more quickly than a regular circular saw, although the metal-cutting circular saw actually rotates the blade at a slower rate than a regular circular saw.
One of the main benefits of a metal cutting circular saw is the cost savings. An abrasive wheel can only cut so many times before it needs to be replaced. Replacement usually occurs after fewer than 75 cuts, whereas with a metal cutting blade, several thousand cuts can be made before replacement is required. Metal cutting blades are, of course, more expensive than an abrasive wheel, but since the abrasive wheel needs to be replaced much more often, the overall cost of a metal cutting blade is much lower.
A metal cutting circular saw allows the user to make more cuts more often with less waiting for cool down. The metal-cutting blade does not heat pieces of metal as much as an abrasive wheel does, and because the metal-cutting circular saw blade rotates at a slower rate than a regular circular saw, the blade creates less friction, which in turn creates less heat. This results in a faster transition from cutting to the next step in the metalworking process. Because the metal cutting blade doesn’t create as many burrs as an abrasive wheel, less time is spent filing down the cut piece after the cut has been made.
While a metal-cutting blade can be used on a regular circular saw, there are benefits to using the blade on a metal-cutting circular saw, aside from the slower rotational speed. Metal cutting by nature tends to cause small pieces of metal to fly off the cut piece. This metal debris can enter the motor housing of a regular circular saw, causing the tool to fail. A metal cutting saw is designed to keep such debris away from the engine housing and other moving parts that could be affected by stray debris. Some metal cutting saws even have collection systems that collect debris before it can fly into the work environment.