Passband refers to the range of frequencies that can pass through a system without being altered. In frequency filters, passband is the section of frequencies that can become the output signal. Passbands are used in telecommunications, fiber optics, and digital broadcasting to minimize interference. Bandwidth represents the range of frequencies that can pass through a system as input or output signals.
The term passband is one that refers to the number of different frequencies, called bands, that can pass through filters located within frequency systems without being altered or attenuated in the process. This term often refers to the range of all frequencies, from highest to lowest, that are capable of flowing into the system from which they are generated or transmitted without being disturbed by any signals or frequency filtering devices. The band of frequencies simply passes through the system, remaining unchanged, thus earning it the name bandpass.
In relation to frequency filters, the passband is the section within the entire spectrum of frequencies that make up the bandwidth signal that can pass through the system filter and become the output signal. In these filters, there is typically a high frequency tolerance and a low frequency tolerance. This means that, depending on the range of frequencies passing through the filters, there are two frequency bands that the filter removes from the frequency spectrum before the signal reaches the output. These types of passbands are directly related to the telecommunications industry as well as fiber optic applications and recording acoustics.
Bandwidths are also related to the field of digital broadcasting. They are mainly used in the area of wireless communications and wireless signal devices. The different frequencies generated by digital devices that are transmitted to the receiving device must be filtered in order to minimize interference with other wireless devices.
The incoming signal to wireless digital devices must also be filtered at the input, so that the frequencies of other devices are not accepted by the receiving device. The permitted frequencies transmitted and received by a digital wireless device are also called bandwidth. It takes this name because it represents the band of frequencies that can pass through the system to be produced as an output signal.
Whether the frequency is transmitted from an analog device or a digital wireless one, the result is always the same when the incoming signal or the outgoing signal is filtered through the system from which it enters or is transmitted. There is a band of frequencies that the device will accept as an input signal and a band of frequencies that a device will allow to produce as output signals. These two bandwidths are referred to as bandwidth.