A picture frame clamp holds a frame square while gluing. Metal or aluminum clamps are less prone to glue sticking, while wood clamps can be made strong and non-stick with wax. Strap clamps are suitable for frames with compound angles, while high-end metal clamps with locking devices on both sides are useful for fragile frames. Professional framers use a variety of clamps based on the frame application.
A picture frame clamp is a device that is used to hold a picture frame or similar object square while gluing. The frame clamp has adjustments on all four sides which are used to create a clamping force for any size project. By clamping a frame into an adjustable frame clamp, you can achieve perfectly squared corners while ensuring the frame stays flat and true.
There are many styles of frame clamps and they all have distinct benefits. Metal or aluminum clamps are usually less prone to glue sticking to them when the frame dries. The frame clamp can be made sturdy while remaining lightweight. Adjustable frames are also less vulnerable to stripping thanks to the steel threaded components and can be adjusted to lock different angles on each of the frame corners.
Wood frame clamps can be made very strong by using heavy hardwood as the fastening material. The wood gives the feel of old world craftsmanship and can be made non-stick by applying wax or by inserting waxed paper between the frame and the clamp. The Wood Frame Clamp is best suited for frames that use 90 degree angles on all four sides.
For frames that use compound angles in the construction, some type of frame clamp is more suitable. This type of clamp uses a leather or nylon strap to enclose the frame and is tightened to achieve a joint at each corner. The downside to the strap frame clamp is its tendency to flex as the frame dries. As the glue dries, the frame tends to twist in the webbing resulting in a warped frame.
Some of the high-end metal frame clamps use a locking device on both the inside and outside of each corner. By placing the clamping surfaces on both sides of the frame, the frame is held true and square while the glue dries. This is especially useful when working with fragile frames. This type of frame is easily crushed and broken by too high clamping pressures. For oddly shaped and even round frames, a steel band clamp with plastic or aluminum holding jaws may be the clamp of choice.
While some low-end clamps are essentially nothing more than threaded rods with angle clamps connected together, they do an adequate job when it comes to the base frame. Most professional framers will use a variety of types of frame clamps, choosing each based on its unique capability for a particular frame application.