A motherboard heat sink is used to cool chips on system boards, such as the CPU and chipset, to prevent damage from heat generated during use. They are made from materials such as aluminum or copper alloys and come in passive or active designs. The heat sink must be tightly pressed against the chip surface and a thermal compound is used to fill any gaps. Chip manufacturers may recommend specific heat sinks and compounds, and compatibility with the motherboard and case should be checked before purchase.
A motherboard heat sink is a cooler used on some chips found on system boards. The main chip or computer processing unit (CPU) requires a heat sink, and chipsets also use heat sinks. The size and design of these devices vary, as do the materials and method of attachment.
When a computer is in use, electrical activity within the CPU and chipset generates significant heat which, if not dissipated, will damage or even melt the chips, rendering them unusable. A motherboard heat sink is attached to the top of a chip, providing an efficient path for heat to escape, first into the heat sink, then from the heat sink into the environment.
A motherboard heat sink is typically made from aluminum or copper alloys. Aluminum alloys are good thermal conductors and also have the advantages of being lightweight and inexpensive. Copper is triple the weight and many times more expensive, yet has twice the thermal conductivity of aluminum for even better heat dissipation. (The prohibitively priced diamond has the highest level of thermal conductivity, beating out copper by a factor of five.)
In addition to materials, physical design also plays a big role in how the device dissipates heat. Heat sinks have rows of fins or pins extending from the base. These fins or pins provide the maximum surface area to dissipate heat while still allowing for airflow between the rows to carry that heat away. This cools the surfaces, creating a dynamic path for continuous dissipation.
An active heat sink comes with a small fan attached to the top of the fin or pin area, used to cool the surface. A passive cooler doesn’t have a fan, but is usually designed with a larger surface area. Some passive coolers are quite tall and space can be an issue. The advantage of a passive model, however, is that there is no noise.
Since the motherboard heat sink is responsible for keeping the chip cool, the surface of the chip and the base of the heat sink must be pressed together at right angles and very tightly. This is achieved through a locking mechanism which varies by design. The heat sink might have z-clip retainers, a clip spring mechanism, or a plastic swing arm to lock the heat sink to the CPU or chipset. Some types of fixing methods require the motherboard to have holes or a plastic fixing frame.
While the retention method presses the chip surface against the base of the heat sink, there will still be small voids between the two surfaces due to surface irregularities, imperfections, and roughness. Trapped air introduces resistance or gaps in the thermal path, which hinders cooling. To solve this problem, a motherboard heat sink is always used in conjunction with a thermal compound that sits between the two surfaces, filling these gaps. Thermal tape is the least expensive type of compound, but is generally considered the least efficient. Thermal pads and tubular compounds made from various materials, from silver to micronized diamonds, are more popular with enthusiasts and still quite affordable.
Some chip manufacturers recommend particular types of compounds and heat sinks for use with their CPUs. Retail packaged CPUs typically come with a heat sink and thermal compound. In some cases, the CPU warranty will be voided if the chip is used with a different heatsink or compound.
Heat sinks and compounds are readily available at computer and electronics stores. Before purchasing a motherboard heat sink, make sure that the mounting mechanism and footprint are compatible with your motherboard and computer case. Refer to the chip manufacturer for recommendations and warranty information.