Clay roasters have been used for thousands of years to slowly cook food with indirect heat. They should be soaked in water before use and never placed in a preheated oven. They are cleaned with warm water and a stiff brush, and can be used for a variety of cultural recipes.
A rotisserie or crock pot is an unglazed roasting pan intended for crock-pot cooking. The use of clay pots for cooking dates back thousands of years in many cultures. The clay roaster is designed to slowly cook the food inside when subjected to constant indirect heat, typically through an oven, although some clay roasters can be used in a fire. Many kitchen supply stores carry an assortment of clay roasters, and they can be ordered at import stores as well, if you’re looking for a particular style.
There are two pieces to a roaster. The bottom half of a clay roaster typically resembles a bowl, with a flat bottom and deep lip to hold liquids as they are cooked. The domed top nestles into the bottom, creating a snug seal as the food is cooked. In most cases, a roaster is unglazed. The pot is unglazed so that it can absorb water, which is an important step in the cooking process.
To use a clay roaster, the cook begins by soaking it for 15 to 30 minutes in water. Unglazed porous clay readily sucks up water. As the rotisserie is heated, the water slowly evaporates, steaming the food inside and ensuring it doesn’t lose moisture. The result is a soft and well cooked dish. Some cooks like to remove the lid on the end to brown and crisp the food.
Cooks should never place a roaster in a preheated oven, as this can cause the roaster to crack. Instead, the moistened clay roaster should be placed in a cold oven and slowly brought up to temperature. When the food is ready, the clay should be placed on a dish towel or cutting board, never on a cold or wet surface. Sudden changes in temperature can crack the clay, ruining your meal and making a colossal mess.
To clean a clay rotisserie, use a stiff brush and warm water. Because the clay is porous, detergent, bleach, and other inedible cleaners should not be used, as they will leach out of the food the next time you use the roaster. For stubborn stains, salt or baking soda can be used as a scrubbing agent, or the clay roaster can be soaked in a baking soda bath. Always allow the roaster to dry completely before storing, to avoid mold growth.
Many cultures have clay roaster recipes, ranging from North Indian tandoori recipes to Moroccan tangines. Different cultures have different traditional-style clay pots, but it’s often possible to cheat, using a clay roaster for recipes from many regions. Try searching for “clay pot recipes” in your favorite search engine for inspiration.