Bloodborne pathogens are agents of diseases found in blood and bodily fluids, such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, malaria, and syphilis. Medical professionals use measures to reduce transmission, and strict protocols are followed in hospitals. Some biologists study bloodborne pathogens for treatment techniques.
Bloodborne pathogens are agents of diseases such as viruses that populate the blood. A disease caused by a blood-borne pathogen may be known as a blood-borne disease or disease. Because many blood-borne pathogens are extremely virulent and difficult to treat, medical professionals typically employ a variety of measures to reduce the risk of transmitting such pathogens. Bloodborne disease prevention training is offered to many levels of the medical community and to individuals who may be at risk of exposure, such as teachers, who may be needed to provide first aid care to injured students.
In addition to being present in human blood, some bloodborne pathogens can be found in other bodily fluids; AIDS, for example, is present in the blood, but it can also be transmitted through sexual activity because it can be present in semen. Other examples of bloodborne pathogens include hepatitis B and C, malaria, syphilis, and HIV. These pathogens can be detected with blood tests that look for antibodies developed in response to exposure to these pathogens.
In order to transmit a blood-borne pathogen, blood-to-blood contact is usually necessary. For example, nurses and phlebotomists are at high risk of exposure due to needle stick injuries. Such pathogens can also sometimes be transmitted through open sores or through the sharing of needles between people using intravenous medications. Although many people associate sexual activity with the transmission of diseases such as hepatitis C, many blood-borne pathogens can only be transmitted in the presence of blood; some sexual activities may not be advisable, while others can be made reasonably safe with a protective barrier.
Strict protocols are followed in hospitals to avoid unnecessary exposure to blood-borne pathogens, especially when these disease agents are found in other bodily fluids. For example, all needles are used only once and then disposed of in specialized containers. Surgical equipment is thoroughly sterilized to make it safe, and hospital staff are careful to avoid any blood-to-blood contact with patients. If someone is exposed through something like a needlestick injury, prophylactic medications may be prescribed.
Some biologists specialize in studying bloodborne pathogens, examining how these pathogens evolve and possible techniques that could be used for treatment. Some disease agents such as the virus that causes HIV are both virulent and difficult to treat despite the best efforts of the scientific community, while diseases such as malaria and syphilis, which were once plagues, are now treatable with modern drugs.