A seven-layer burrito is made with layers of different ingredients, including meat or beans, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole, rice, sour cream, and cheese. The tortilla is the base, and it can be cooked in the oven or pressed in a rack. There are many variations, including seafood or breakfast burritos.
A seven-layer burrito is a meal in which one burrito is made using seven or more different ingredients. So instead of mixing all the ingredients together, they are poured into the burrito in layers like a lasagna. Of course, there are several ways to make a seven-layer burrito, but they usually start with a layer of meat or beans, followed by lettuce, tomatoes, and guacamole. They may then include a layer of rice and thick sour cream and cheese to complete the seven layers. The burrito can then be cooked in the oven for a few minutes or pressed into a rack to soften and heat the tortilla.
The base for a seven layer burrito is the tortilla. A soft flour tortilla is the most common choice, but corn tortillas can also be used, although these may not hold or roll without cracking. A meat or bean mixture is then typically the first layer in a seven-layer burrito. Ground beef or shredded chicken are quite popular, but refried beans are also a common choice for this first layer. Chopped fresh lettuce and tomatoes, the next two layers, aren’t traditionally found in most burrito recipes, but are common inclusions in this particular version.
Many people will add a layer of guacamole as the next part in the seven-layer burrito, followed by hot Mexican rice. This type of rice is often flavored with spices such as red pepper and cumin. Some will also blend the salsa into the rice, or even layer a layer of salsa instead of the guacamole if they prefer it that way. A dollop of sour cream and some grated cheese make up the last two of the seven layers and complete the meal.
While this is a common way to prepare a seven-layer burrito, there are many ways to modify it based on flavor preferences or the ingredients on hand. For example, some people may prefer a seven-layer burrito that includes seafood such as fried fish or shrimp. Another option is to make a breakfast burrito using eggs, cheeses, and meats like ham, sausage, or bacon. This is an easy dish to experiment with, can make a great meal for any time of day, and is easy to simply wrap in tin foil and go on the go for an easy and filling breakfast or lunch.