Fake designer accessories, especially handbags, are common worldwide. To avoid buying fakes, don’t trust too-good-to-be-true prices or sellers claiming secret access to designer bargains. Research the product thoroughly, including production marks and packaging, and ask questions of the seller.
Fake designer accessories are much more common than most people realize. Handbags are the most common of all fake designer accessories sold worldwide, with handbags and sunglasses a distant second and third. If you’re looking for a designer product, here are some things you can do to protect yourself and your wallet.
First of all, this general rule of thumb applies: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Fake designer accessories are often sold at great discount prices compared to the original. If someone offers you a $2000 US Dollar (USD) bag at the bargain price of $100 USD, you can be sure that the bag is not real. Be aware of people who claim to have secret access to designer bargains or who sell a wide variety of “designer” merchandise on places like eBay.
The internet has become a paradise for fake designer accessories. EBay and other auction sites have banned the sale of counterfeit merchandise, but that doesn’t mean accessories won’t find their way anyway. Sellers are smart and will find a way to disguise a bag or outright lie about it. Another possible sign of fake designer accessories on eBay is a seller that is located in Asia, especially China and Korea, as many of the fakes come from there.
To avoid fake designer accessories, do your research. Make sure you understand what a real bag is supposed to look like beyond the obvious design. Are there marks or stamps anywhere? Is there a production number printed on the inside of the bag? Does the bag come in a special type of packaging or is an outer box or bag provided? What about the material itself? Is it smooth or rough? Are there subtle color variations? Most fake designer accessories look quite real and you will need to train your eye if you want to be able to tell the difference.
The most important thing you can do to avoid fake designer accessories is to ask questions. An honest salesperson wouldn’t mind telling you where he gets his discounts or who he’s associated with. Salespeople who avoid your questions may have something to hide.