Rhonchi, also known as wheezing, is an abnormal sound made during breathing caused by a blockage of the airways or fluid in the bronchial passage. It can be a sign of a serious health problem and requires medical attention. Treatment options depend on the cause of the rhonchi.
Commonly referred to as wheezing, ronchi affects the respiratory system and represents a type of abnormal sound made during breathing, similar to wheezing and screeching. One type is sharper and typically felt during an asthma attack. The latter is sometimes called ronchi sonorum and can sound similar to snoring. In most cases, rhonchi are caused by a blockage of the airways or fluid in the bronchial passage. If an episode occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor for effective treatment.
Whistling or high-pitched rhonchi are usually used synonymously with wheezing, although some practitioners differentiate the two by defining wheezing as more pronounced on exhalation. One of the most commonly heard wheezing occurs during an asthma attack. It can also occur with a bronchial infection where fluid gets trapped in the passage.
Loud breathing, or deep snoring, is perhaps the most common form of rhonchi and typically involves some form of secretion or blockage in the air passage. Tumors in the throat or around the lungs can often cause this condition, among other unwanted side effects. Bronchiectasis, damaged airways, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is chronic emphysema and bronchitis, also often cause this breathing problem. Croup is a common cause in babies. Infections such as a bout of bronchitis, cold or flu can also be a cause due to mucus buildup.
If a person suspects they may have rhonchus breathing, it is usually recommended to see a healthcare professional. This is typically a sign of another serious health problem that can get worse if left untreated. Although asthma-related wheezing may not seem serious to those who already know about their condition and have the medications needed to manage an asthma attack, it is still recommended to notify a doctor about the attack.
Treatment typically depends on several factors, such as whether it’s wheezing or audible, whether it’s due to a blockage or discharge, and other health issues such as how much oxygen is reaching the brain. For blockages, a healthcare professional can discuss several options including surgery to remove or reduce the blockage. To treat fluids from disease, antibiotics or other medications may be used, as well as humidifiers, breathing techniques, and physical therapy to help break down secretions in the lungs. Many also suggest coughing.