A painting supervisor oversees interior and exterior painting crews, ensuring proper mixing and application of paint, protection of surrounding areas, and addressing any issues or questions from customers. They may also transport supplies and approve finished jobs.
A painting supervisor oversees painting crews as they paint a client’s home or business. Commonly divided into two separate areas, interior and exterior, the typical painting supervisor may oversee both teams. The paint supervisor’s role includes ensuring that paint is properly mixed and applied, as well as checking all masking areas to ensure that no areas are left unprotected. Many supervisors are also experienced painters who have been promoted through the company’s ranks.
Painting is usually one of the final steps in any room or building renovation or new construction. While paint has the ability to hide or hide mistakes made during other steps, mistakes made in the painting step are not easily hidden. The painting supervisor oversees the painting process to ensure that the process is carried out correctly and quickly. By regularly testing the mixed paint and the walls, the supervisor ensures that the paint is thick enough to adequately cover the walls. The painting supervisor also checks for splashes or drips and points the crew toward any areas that require repair or repainting.
On exterior painting jobs, it is normally the task of the painting supervisor to ensure that all outside bushes, bushes and flowerbeds are adequately protected from paint drips or splashes. Likewise, driveways, driveways and porch steps are also covered to protect against any paint that makes its way onto the hard surfaces. If a painting crew encounters an issue or is approached by the customer with a specific question, the team will usually refer the querier to the painting supervisor. This is also the case for a customer requesting a touch-up or repaint of any area. Customer warranty questions are also directed to the supervisor, who is usually better equipped to give sound advice.
Occasionally, a painting crew may require additional paint or supplies as they work, and the supervisor typically hands the goods over to the crew rather than asking the crew to do a job to restock themselves. Sometimes a supervisor will transport a team to a job site or a member of a team to an alternate job site if a little touch up is needed. The supervisor of a painting crew is typically the final worker who will look over a painting job when finished in order to approve the job and sign off on the job bill. If there are any irregularities, the supervisor will determine the best course of action to take to correct the problem and appoint a team to correct the problem.