Naval Flight Officers (NFOs) are commissioned officers trained in advanced weapons and systems for Marines. They do not pilot aircraft but manage systems, allowing pilots to focus on flying. NFOs and pilots undergo the same physical and basic aviation training. After completing the Aviation Preflight Indoctrination (API) program, NFOs select the type of aircraft they want to specialize in and undergo advanced flight training before being certified as fleet aviators.
Um oficial de vôo naval (NFO) is an oficial commissioned trained in advanced weapons and other systems for a Marine or a Marine from the EU. He does not pilot an aircraft, but manages various systems, allowing the pilot to maintain the focus on piloting the aircraft. enquanto o NFO monitora os sistemas de armas. This is especially important in potential combat situations; just as he doesn’t have to do a job, a marine job officer can be more blind to the batalha field, allowing him to lead the mission. In your squad, pilots and NFOs can occupy leadership positions, such as Oficiais de Operações ou Mautenção.
However, marine flight officers do not have the complete training that allows them to fly an aircraft, they are fully trained in the basic techniques of piloting double-controlled aircraft. Some naval aircrafts are projected with absent side by side to allow operation with two pilots by a pilot and an NFO. The aviators and the NFOs go through the same physical training and basic courses in aviation.
The alferes and the 2nd lieutenants who were recently commissioned and planejam enter the aviation, reportam-se à Estação Aérea Naval de Pensacola and received at Doutrina de Aviação de Voo (API). API is an educational program on aviation funds. The courses of this six-week program include all aspects of flight, including classrooms on topics such as aerodynamics, aircraft engines, navigation and meteorology. As API students, as NFOs, as pilots, we must undertake extensive physical training to prepare them to support the rigors of flying aboard combat embarcações such as F/A-18 Hornets and or EA-6B Prowlers.
Após a conclusão bem-sucedida da API, os candidates a oficiais de vôo da Marinha permanecem in Pensacola for primary training of vôo. After the end of the training, the NFOs can select the rate for aircraft that are moving by jet or helicopter and, then, start the next level of flight training. The next step does not train to allow the NFO to return to more qualified voices and navigation. As ONFs então selecionam the type of aircraft in which we want to specialize.
More advanced training is oriented by the type of aircraft that you select an NFO. The advanced flight training is the last step to receive the information from the NFO and is reported to the Flight Substitution Team (FRS) for additional training on a private aircraft. The FRS will instruct the new ONFs on how to operate its aircraft systems on any mission in which it may conceivably be used. After graduating from FRS training, a marine flight official is a certified frota aviator.