A saccharometer measures sugar concentration in a solution by determining its density. It has graduated marks for Brix, Plato or Balling scales. Care must be taken with impurities and temperature. It should be well-maintained and not confused with blood sugar meters.
A saccharometer is a device that is used to measure the concentration of sugar in a solution. Saccharometers work by determining the density of the fluid, allowing people to extrapolate the sugar content. They are used in the production of wine and beer, as well as in processes where people need to create sugar solutions. Cooking supply stores sometimes carry them, especially if they stock supplies for making beer and other alcoholic beverages at home.
The way a saccharometer works is relatively simple. It consists of a cylinder attached to a light bulb, with graduated marks along the side. To use the device, someone drops the saccharometer into the solution to be measured. Once the device stabilizes and stops rocking, you can take a reading from the device. The marks can correspond to the Brix, Plato or Balling scales, all of which are expressions of the percentage of sugar in a solution.
Care must be taken when using a saccharometer. The device does not measure sugar content directly, instead relying on density and a pre-calibrated scale. This means that if a fluid is thicker or thinner than it should be, it can make the reading null, as can happen with a heated syrup, which is less thick, or a solution with impurities that make it thicker. A saccharometer often comes with a recommended temperature range so people know what temperatures it has been calibrated for.
As with other instruments used for measurement, a saccharometer works best when it is well maintained. After use, it must be cleaned and placed in its protective case. It should be stored in a cool, dry place, and people should try to avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures. Dropping a saccharometer can cause it to break or cause hairline cracks that can interfere with density measurements by invalidating the device’s calibration. If someone is not sure whether or not the device is reading accurately, a solution of known concentration can be prepared and used to test it.
Blood sugar meters should not be confused with saccharimeters. A saccharimeter also measures the amount of sugar in a solution, but uses polarization or refractive index for its measurement. So, it works differently. These devices are sometimes preferred because they can be more accurate. They’re also highly mobile, which is useful for things like testing grapes in the field to determine how sweet they are before harvest.