Wireless gateway routers provide internet access for multiple devices, creating a LAN between wired and wireless devices and an access point to the WAN. They also offer file sharing, firewall protection, and security encryption for wireless access.
The growth of Internet usage exploded in the early 21st century. More than ever, people have high-speed internet in their homes and more and more devices are relying on that internet access. A wireless gateway router provides more than a wired access point for the Internet and can provide wireless contact as well.
Most standard high-speed Internet modems, such as those for DSL or cable, have only one connection to the Internet. Many different network devices, such as computers, switches, or routers, can use that single connection, but only one can be connected at a time. The difficulty is that often more than one piece of equipment needs Internet access.
A wireless gateway router can provide internet accessibility for any number of devices. Creates a local area network (LAN) between wireless and wired devices and provides an access point to a wide area network (WAN). Typically, a wireless gateway router will have more than one wired connection and will provide a wireless connection for up to 255 other devices.
Wireless internet, sometimes referred to as Wi-Fi, has become increasingly popular with the development of high-end electronic devices. Handheld computers, smartphone mobile devices, game consoles, and laptops may all have the ability to use the Internet if a wireless access point is available. The modem connects to the wireless gateway router to provide an outlet for the Internet, and the gateway router shares that connection between all wired and wireless devices connected to it.
Internet access isn’t the only shared feature of the wireless gateway router. All electronic devices connected to the LAN could potentially access each other. Laptops, printers and desktop computers can access each other with the correct network configuration. This can make data transfers, like file sharing, much more convenient.
Wireless gateway routers also often have a built-in hardware-based firewall. This provides additional protection from incoming malicious data, as well as safeguarding private information stored on computers and other devices. The combination of firewall, internet gateway, and local area network access makes the wireless gateway router a converged device.
Most of these network devices have internal access points to control different access rights. Software stored within the router, also known as firmware, provides options for security and access to and from the LAN and the Internet. Security encryption for wireless access will only allow devices with the correct security key to connect and use the gateway router.