Chayote is a tropical vine that produces fruit, which is treated like a vegetable. It is a member of the gourd family and is popular in Latin America and parts of the United States. The fruit can be cooked or eaten raw and is a good source of amino acids and vitamin C. The tubers of the plant are also edible. Chayote was first domesticated in Mexico and is now integrated into the cuisine of many Latin American nations.
Chayote is a tropical vine that produces fruit, which is treated more like a vegetable than a true fruit. The fruits are also known as chayote, or may be called christophine, choko, Mexican squash, or vegetable pears, depending on the region. Also, the tuberous part of the chayote root is edible.
A member of the gourd family, chayote is very popular in Latin America and parts of the United States, and also appears in some Asian and European dishes. A well-stocked grocery store or Hispanic market will generally stock chayote, although it can sometimes be expensive.
There are two basic varieties of the fruit, one of which superficially resembles a pear, with the classic pear shape and smooth greenish to white skin. Another cultivar is covered in soft spines, although it retains the shape of a pear. Both versions have a large edible seed with a slightly nutty flavor at the center of the fresh white flesh. The chayote meat tends to be relatively bland, and many cooks season it extensively, using the chayote as a blank canvas for seasoning.
Chayote was first domesticated in Mexico, where the fruit is used in both raw and cooked forms. When cooked, chayote is usually treated like a summer squash and is usually lightly cooked to retain the crunchy flavor. Raw chayote can be added to salads or salsas and is often marinated in lemon or lime juice. It can also be eaten straight, though the bland taste makes this a questionable endeavor. Whether raw or cooked, chayote is a good source of amino acids and vitamin C.
The tubers of the plant are eaten like potatoes and other root vegetables. Additionally, the shoots and leaves can be eaten and are often used in salads and stir-fries, especially in Asia. Like other members of the gourd family such as cucumbers, melons, and squash, chayote can get quite sprawling, and should only be planted if there is plenty of space in the garden. The roots are also highly susceptible to rot, especially in containers, and the plant in general is prickly to grow.
The term chayote is Spanish, borrowed from the nahautl word chayotli. Chayote was one of many foods introduced to Europe by early explorers, who brought back a huge assortment of botanical specimens. The Conquest era also spread the plant south of Mexico, eventually causing it to be integrated into the cuisine of many other Latin American nations.