Autonomic dysfunction affects the autonomic nervous system and can cause a range of symptoms, including drops in blood pressure, fatigue, tremors, and heart irregularities. It can be caused by inherited or acquired disorders and can be managed with lifestyle changes, medication, and physical therapy. Severe cases can be life-threatening. Diagnostic tests can help determine the cause and severity of the condition.
Autonomic dysfunction can refer to a number of rare health problems involving the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is responsible for regulating many vital bodily functions, including heart rate, respiration, and digestion. When an illness or injury compromises the ANS, a person can experience a wide range of potentially serious symptoms. Signs of autonomic dysfunction can include sudden drops in blood pressure, fatigue, tremors, breathing problems and heart irregularities. Treatment measures depend on the symptoms and underlying causes of the autonomic dysfunction, but often include a combination of diet, daily medications, and physical therapy.
Most cases of autonomic dysfunction are related to inherited and acquired disorders affecting many body systems. The ANS can be suppressed or damaged due to diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Lyme disease, or severe viral infections. Chronic alcohol abuse, long-term exposure to toxic chemicals, and severe injury to the brain or spinal cord can also impair ANS function. Depending on the cause, health changes may appear very gradually over time or come on somewhat suddenly.
Many people who develop autonomic dysfunction have relatively mild and manageable symptoms. Common problems include easy fatigue, spells of lightheadedness or lightheadedness, anxiety, blurred vision, and headaches. Some patients experience orthostatic hypotension or a drop in blood pressure on standing up, which can cause these symptoms to worsen. Digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea and heartburn may also be present.
Autonomic dysfunction can occasionally be severe enough to significantly impact a person’s life. Extreme bouts of fatigue, dizziness, body tremors, heart rate abnormalities and breathing difficulties can keep some people confined to hospital beds for months. Rarely, ANS problems can induce cardiac arrest or lead to coma or sudden death.
There are a number of diagnostic tests to help doctors pinpoint the cause and severity of autonomic dysfunction. A clinical procedure called electromyography can be done to monitor electrical activity in nerves throughout the body. Ultrasounds and other imaging technologies are used to check for heart and brain defects. Doctors can also examine blood samples to look for signs of certain autoimmune diseases. Treatment decisions are made based on the results of multiple diagnostic tests.
Patients who have mild autonomic dysfunction typically do not require aggressive treatment. They may simply be instructed to make small lifestyle changes, such as improving their diet and limiting physical activity. Increasing your fluid and salt intake and taking prescription medications can help reduce the chances of orthostatic hypotension episodes. Additional medications may be prescribed to improve neurological and digestive symptoms, if any. Severe ANS impairment is more difficult to treat, although guided physical therapy, medications, and supportive care allow some patients to survive for many years after their condition peaks.