Water engineering jobs are available in almost every country, with positions in government agencies and private companies. The field encompasses various careers, including hydropower, floodplain management, and stormwater management. Most jobs require a college degree and years of experience, and job titles can vary.
Managing the planet’s water resources is an international issue, and there are water engineering jobs in almost every country. Water engineers work for various government agencies at the national, regional and local levels, as well as for private companies. People often associate water engineering with drinking water and wastewater management, but it encompasses more careers than just those two. Water engineers can be responsible for hydropower and reservoir management, floodplain management and river restoration, as well as other water-related projects. Some of the best jobs for a water engineer in the private sector include those in drinking water filtration and water heater companies.
Most water engineers need to be able to perform multi-objective planning tasks because the science of water management is so complex. Often, jobs in water engineering require years of experience and a college degree, either a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree, depending on the employer’s requirements. Generally, a person works entry-level jobs to gain work experience in the water engineering field that interests him.
The different public water engineering careers include wastewater processing, water treatment, water distribution, and more. Requirements for water engineers range from degrees in water resources or water sciences to degrees in chemistry or microbiology. A candidate may want to clarify what education the potential employer expects the water engineer to have. Often, an employer will expect the water engineer to manage staff, interact with vendors, and in some cases participate in media interviews. Some companies train a plumbing engineer to interact with the public, such as speaking at events, promoting the company through media sources, and testifying before public or government hearings.
Other water engineering jobs include aquifer storage management, water transport, and waste and stormwater recovery. Employees in smaller communities often combine these jobs, but in larger municipalities there may be a department of water engineers. A good job for an experienced, well-educated engineer is senior water engineer. This person oversees engineers and technicians, implements government regulations, and manages large projects such as facility upgrades.
Another complex job is stormwater management. There are many aspects to this job, and often a hydraulic engineer must coordinate with engineers in other departments. A stormwater manager or engineer is responsible for designing a system that can handle large amounts of water during storms. He is also responsible for complying with government regulations, such as natural resource protection laws.
Sometimes water engineering jobs do not deal with government employers. Companies that manufacture and install indoor water filtration systems hire engineers to design and develop new equipment and upgrades to existing filtration systems. Hot water companies offer jobs in water engineering, especially for engineers who are familiar with electrical and gas systems.
Hydraulic engineer job titles vary. One employer might label the job as a water treatment engineering specialist, and another might label a job with the same tasks as a civil engineer. Other titles may include director of water resources engineering and wastewater engineer. As people seek recreation in water resources, water engineering jobs in these resources are increasing in number and are often labeled as water resource engineers. An experienced water engineer who holds a doctorate and has published papers may want to consider a career as a water science teacher.