Arthroplasty replaces or partially replaces joints, often for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or quiescent tuberculous arthritis. There are three types: semi-joint replacement, total joint replacement, and excision arthroplasty. Recovery includes gentle exercises and walking.
Arthroplasty is a medical procedure designed to replace or partially replace a joint. Arthroplasty is mainly used to rebuild the hip, knee and shoulder joints as well as the joints in the hands and feet. This type of surgery is usually used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or quiescent tuberculous arthritis. The procedure can also be used to correct joint deformity and fractures of the femoral neck or thigh bone. There are three types of arthroplasty: semi-joint replacement, total joint replacement, and excision arthroplasty.
The half joint replacement procedure involves replacing only one of the joint parts of the joint. This surgery can be used to replace the femoral head or to replace a damaged metatarsal or phalangeal bone. Half-joint replacement may be helpful in cases where only one half of the joint is injured, as the uninjured half can be left in place. Unlike total joint replacement, semi-joint replacement typically leaves 75 percent of the bones, ligaments, and muscles intact. The damaged half of the joint is usually replaced with a metal or silicone rubber prosthesis.
Total joint replacement is usually required in cases of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or quiescent tuberculous arthritis, when both joint halves of the joint are damaged. In total joint arthroplasty, the entire joint is removed and replaced with an artificial one. The artificial joint can be made of metal, ceramic or polyethylene. Total joint replacement surgery is typically used to replace the hips and knees. Replacement joints can last for years.
Excision arthroplasty usually requires excision, or removal, of both articular ends of the joint, to leave a space between the bones. This gap can naturally fill with fibrous scar tissue, or the surgeon can attach a pad of muscle or other tissue between the excised bones. This procedure usually allows for an acceptable range of motion in the affected joint, although that joint may be unstable. Because excision arthroplasty contributes to joint instability, it is generally not used in the ankles or knees. Excision arthroplasty is typically used in the feet and hands, but may be used as a temporary measure if total hip replacement surgery has failed.
Most patients experience pain and discomfort while recovering from joint replacement surgery. Most surgeons encourage patients to begin walking with crutches and other assistance soon after surgery. During the recovery process, gentle exercises such as walking are generally encouraged. More strenuous activities, such as running, are generally discouraged until the joint has completely healed, six to eight weeks after surgery.