Mental retardation, also known as intellectual disability, can be caused by genetic disorders, environmental factors, trauma, and disease. Some common causes include genetics (such as Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome), alcohol and drug use during pregnancy, insufficient nutrients, premature birth, head injuries, and certain diseases.
Mental retardation, sometimes known as intellectual disability or simply MR, is a generalized disorder that typically presents before a person becomes an adult. Individuals with mental retardation often have impaired cognitive abilities and an intelligence quotient (IQ) below 70. Although with some children the cause of mental retardation is unknown, there are several known causes of this mental disability, which can occur before, during, or even after birth. Some causes of mental retardation in children include genetic disorders, environmental factors, trauma, and disease.
Many cases of mental retardation in children are caused by problems before a child is born. One of the most common causes of metal delay in children, for example, is genetics. Some chromosomal disorders that can cause this disorder are often hereditary or familial.
Down syndrome is an example of such a disorder. This occurs when a baby is born with an extra chromosome. Another condition, known as fragile X syndrome, is another example. Individuals with this disorder have a mutated gene on the X chromosome. Both of these genetic disorders often cause mental retardation in children.
Certain environmental factors before birth can also cause mental retardation in children. Alcohol and other drugs are toxins that have been shown to be extremely harmful to a developing fetus. Mothers who drink alcohol put their unborn babies at risk for fetal alcohol syndrome, which is a leading cause of metal retardation in babies.
Insufficient amounts of some nutrients can also lead to the birth of a mentally retarded child. Folic acid, for example, is necessary for the development of the fetal spinal cord and brain. If an expectant mother does not get enough folic acid during pregnancy, there is a good chance that her child’s brain will not develop properly, possibly causing mental retardation.
Mental retardation in babies can also be caused during labor or delivery. Babies born prematurely may have brains that haven’t had time to develop properly. Mental retardation, in some cases, can also be caused by extremely hard labor or a head injury during childbirth.
A head injury in an infant or young child can also lead to mental retardation, as well as a near-drowning accident. Both of these situations can lead to permanent brain damage. Some diseases, such as tuberculosis and meningitis, are also known to cause mental retardation in children.