Interpreted languages rely on an interpreter to run and translate code into machine-friendly instructions on the fly, making them easier to use and test but with performance limitations. They are more portable and have increased in use with faster computers, but are not ideal for all applications and are often used in combination with compiled languages.
An interpreted language is a type of programming language that relies on another piece of software called an interpreter to run. Most programming languages rely on a compiler, which modifies code into a series of instructions designed specifically for a particular type of machine and operating system. When you write programs using an interpreted language, the program itself is a text file with code, and the interpreter acts as an intermediary, translating the instructions into something the machine can understand on the fly. Interpreted languages have several performance limitations, but are also easier to use and ideal for certain types of applications.
There was a time when using interpreted language was often very objectionable, mostly because of speed. During the era when computer processing power was in short supply, interpreted languages had very limited uses because they were significantly more resource hungry. With compiled languages, everything is more efficient and straightforward because the programs have already been translated into machine-friendly instructions. The build process has to happen every time a person runs an interpreted program, and the interpreting software has to run constantly at the same time, which generally puts more stress on performance.
Interpreted languages also have several advantages. Some of them are very easy to learn, like Python. Programs made with interpreted languages can sometimes be easier to test because they don’t have to be followed repeatedly, and it’s usually easier to make changes to existing software. In general, the process of working with an interpreted language is more streamlined, with shorter development times and often less overall work.
Another big plus for interpreted languages is easy portability. In general, if there is one version of the interpreter for multiple different types of machines and operating systems, any program written in that language can be used on a wide variety of platforms. For example, a program written in an interpreted language might be able to run on a Macintosh, Windows®, or Linux® based system without modification.
As computers speed improved, the use of interpreted languages generally increased, but there were still some limitations. Even with fast computers, an interpreted language isn’t considered ideal for some types of applications, such as games. Some programs are built using a combination of interpreted languages and compiled languages. In this type of implementation, the interpreted language can only handle a small aspect of the functionality, while most of the program uses compiled code. An example would be a game with its own built-in interpreter for a scripting language that allows end users to easily create and edit content.