Digital TV signals are a more advanced way of transmitting data and images through television broadcasting. They are smaller and can transmit high definition television, additional program information, and real-time updates. Analog signals are larger and can still display a picture even when degraded. Many countries legally require digital TV signals for broadcasting.
A digital TV signal is one of the two main ways of transferring data and images through television broadcasting. Television broadcasters send information as analog or digital signals. These signals can be transmitted in various ways, such as over the air, cable or satellite, but they are always analog or digital. While both types of signals have advantages over each other, the benefits provided by digital outweigh those of analog. As a result of this clear technological advantage, a digital TV signal is legally required to send television broadcasts in many countries.
While the two types of TV signals do the same thing, they do it in very different ways. An analog signal looks like a wave, rising and falling similar to the original broadcast source. Variations in aspects of the transmission cause variations in the waveform, resulting in decodable information. A digital TV signal works like a computer broadcast. A burst of binary data representing the broadcast is sent and the decoders on the other end read the data and create an image based on the information.
This difference results in a handful of very important differences. Analog signal is the actual picture sent by the broadcaster while digital TV signal is a binary copy. This means that interference in the analog transmission causes ghosting or static electricity, but the picture is visible even when it is almost totally degraded. Digital broadcasts need the vast majority of information to be viewed. If your set-top box doesn’t have a full set of binary code, it simply can’t display anything, resulting in the blue screen effect common on modern TVs.
While this difference is important, it is the relative size of the two signals that makes the biggest difference. If it were possible to visualize the two types of transmission, one would appear as a wave with high peaks and valleys while the other would appear as a narrow band of binary code. In many ways, that’s the truth about their relative sizes. An analog signal is very large compared to a digital signal.
Because the digital TV signal is much smaller, it can do many things that the analog signal can’t. One of the most important skills is the transmission of high definition (HD) television. Along with the HD signal, bandwidth is used for additional program information, such as channel name and line-up, subtitles, and even multiple versions of the same channel, usually represented as channel X.1, X.2, and so on. Some broadcast stations send streams of data along with TV signals which provide specially equipped receivers with real-time weather, sports or traffic updates.