Smoke point is the temperature at which cooking oil decomposes and gives off smoke. Saturated fats have low smoke points and are less healthy. Unrefined oil has a lower smoke point than refined oil. Avocado and canola oil have high smoke points, while corn oil is good for frying.
Smoke point is a term that refers to the point at which cooking oil begins to break down and give off fumes or smoke. At this temperature, the oil begins to decompose, gives off a noxious smell and looks burnt. If the oil continues to rise in temperature, it can reach its flash point, when it will catch fire.
Cooking oils come from a wide variety of sources, with unique flavors, nutritional benefits, and warming properties like smoke points. Many other factors can also lower the flash point of the oil, such as the presence of foreign organic material, the use of salt, the number of times the oil has been reused, and whether the product is a blend of different oils. Saturated fats — those that are solid at room temperature — including lard, butter and bacon fat, start to smoke at relatively low temperatures. These products are considered less healthy and should only be used for sautéing or cooking at relatively low temperatures.
Another factor that affects the smoke point of the oil is the amount of refinement and processing it undergoes. Unrefined oil is usually cold pressed and not subjected to heat or chemicals. As a result, it often contains organic material from the source, which lowers the temperature at which the product can be used effectively in cooking. An example of this is unrefined canola oil, which has a smoke point of less than 225 degrees Fahrenheit (107.2° Celsius), while refined canola oil is an excellent cooking oil with a smoke point close to 400 degrees F (204.4° C).
Olive oil comes in an extremely wide range of refinements and properties and is generally classified based on acidity and method of extraction. Virgin olive oil is cold pressed and contains olive pomace, giving it a much darker colour. It’s popular because it has the most potent flavor, but also the lowest flash point, which limits its use as a cooking oil. The best use for virgin olive oil is sautéed, as a salad dressing, marinade or with spice for bread. Refined olive oil is processed with heat and chemicals that produce a light color and give the oil a higher smoke point.
Avocado oil, which has a smoke point of 500 degrees F (255 degrees C), is an excellent source of vitamins and can be used for cooking, on salads, with bread, or over greens. It’s more expensive, however, and isn’t necessarily practical for general cooking. Rapeseed oil, also called rapeseed oil, comes from a plant of the turnip family. Like avocado oil, it is low in saturated fat and is a rich source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. Canola oil is less expensive than avocado oil and is a great choice for frying and general cooking.
While oils with a low smoke point are great for sautéing, low-temperature cooking and table use, oils chosen for frying should be able to safely reach temperatures up to 375°C. If you want deep frying, the oil should have a smoke point of at least 190.5 degrees F (450 degrees C). Foods fried at higher temperatures have a better texture and absorb much less fat than foods fried at lower temperatures. Corn oil, which is also used in salad dressings and margarine, is a good choice for frying.