Probiotic Drops contain Lactobacillus reuteri and can improve the balance of bacteria in the digestive system of infants and young children, reducing harmful bacteria and boosting the immune system. They can be easily added to food or drinks and are safe to use for as long as needed.
Probiotic Drops are designed for infants and children who experience difficulty with colicky or painful gas, and contain Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri), a healthy bacterium found in saliva and human milk. The use of probiotic drops appears to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the stomachs of infants and young children while improving the proper bacterial balance of the gastric system and the function of the immune system. Liquid probiotics are ideal for babies and children, and can easily be added to food or drinks, or simply given with an eyedropper or spoon. The drops do not affect the taste of food, formula, or breast milk, and most infants tolerate taking it well. Many pediatricians suggest five drops of the solution administered in the morning before the child’s first feeding for best results.
It is not unusual for a few different strains of L. reuteri to be used in the probiotic supplement formula. Each strain is responsible for unique functions in the digestive system. For example, L. reuteri Protectis is crucial for killing pathogens in the stomach that cause painful gas and excessive crying in babies. This strain is also responsible for improving the function of the immune system. L. reuteri Prodentis stops unhealthy bacteria and other pathogens in children’s mouths, and improves dental hygiene by limiting plaque on teeth and reducing the likelihood of bleeding gums.
One of the characteristics that distinguishes L. reuteri and probiotic drops is that it occurs naturally and colonizes the human body from birth. This bacteria is even found in the breast milk of nursing mothers and continues to be part of a healthy and functional digestive system throughout life. Most bacteria, both the healthy and unhealthy varieties, usually enter the body through food or air. Medical experts believe that the use of probiotic drops is a great way to ensure that young children receive an adequate supply of L. reuteri.
Most pediatricians and researchers recommend probiotic drops only for colicky babies and for children experiencing painful stomach gas and other symptoms of gastric distress. The use of probiotic drops is believed to be a safe, effective and beneficial way to provide babies with the necessary amount of probiotics for healthy digestion and to boost the child’s immune system. It is suggested to administer only 5 drops per day. The supplement can be used for as long as needed and no adverse effects have been documented during clinical trials.