Subroutines are smaller parts of a larger code module with their own internal operations. They are used in different ways in various computer programming languages and are essential for organizing code, debugging, and creating executable programs. Proper use of subroutines is critical for programmers to keep code accessible and understandable.
A subroutine in computer programming is a smaller part of a larger code module that has its own internal operations designed to serve the overall program. A subroutine is sometimes called a function or method because it returns a specific code result used by the program. Functional programming involves versatile code that is structured in chunks. The programmers then choose the events that trigger the functions that “drive” the user experience.
Different computer languages use subroutine functions in different ways. Some computer programming languages use a “stack” model, where functions or subroutines are arranged in a linear format and used based on their immediate relevance. Other languages use compartmentalized formats to isolate functions and distinguish them from each other.
Proper use of a subroutine is part of what a programmer learns when looking for ways to keep computer code accessible. Critical strategies like using a subroutine efficiently go hand in hand with other more general strategies like using whitespace in your code or leaving cues for program changes with comments. Organizing computer code appropriately makes it much easier for other programmers and engineers to “read” it and understand what’s going on in the program.
All code consisting of subroutines and other code modules is often made into an “executable” program. Calling a program executable refers to the idea of executing or “executing” a program. In many cases, the executable program is simply a set of subroutines. When someone “runs” the program, the computer starts with an initial line of code, then is directed to subsequent lines of code by instructions written in the program.
Another major benefit of subroutines is the task of debugging a program. If there is a problem with the program, engineers can go into the code and look at the sequential lines of code to see where the problem started. With subroutines, programmers can examine each piece of code separately and “erase” the error-free parts to focus on where the errors occurred.
Using subroutines is an integral part of learning computer programming. Subroutines will often be part of academic computer science lessons. Programmers learn these skills in school, or in the field, to create programs with better overall functionality and transparency.