A security mechanism on a computer enforces selected security policies for users, limiting their access. It is like a bouncer at a party, separating VIPs from regular guests. A matrix access model outlines capabilities of processes, like firewalls. Without protection, anyone can access and change files.
A security mechanism is a security device on a computer that acts to enforce selected security policies for various users of the system. Without a protection mechanism, it would be impossible to prevent individual users from having full access to the system; every user would be able to add programs, remove programs and make other important changes to the computer without restrictions. With a protection mechanism, the computer administrator can limit the rights of individual users, classifying some as limited or restricted users with relatively fewer rights than administrators.
The security mechanism in a computer is a bit like a bouncer standing outside a nightclub, holding a guest list for a party. Not all guests are created equal; some have full VIP access to the party, while others are only allowed to participate in a more basic capacity. Computer administrators are those VIP guests, as they can go anywhere on the system and do whatever they want. Limited users, on the other hand, are only allowed to do the things administrators allow them to do. The main responsibility of the protection mechanisms is to keep the list of regular guests and “VIPs” separate, ensuring that each computer user remains within his assigned role.
A basic model of a protection mechanism is a matrix access model, which is essentially a grid-based list outlining the capabilities of a particular process within the computer. For example, some resources or programs may be allowed to read and write to the hard drive, while other programs may only be allowed to retrieve information from the drive without being able to change or add to it. One of the most common examples of this behavior is the firewall on modern Windows® operating systems; The first time a program tries to access the Internet, the firewall steps in and asks if it should allow the program to proceed.
Without a working protection mechanism, your computer will no longer be able to decide who should and who shouldn’t have access to files and permissions on your computer. It is analogous to a formerly private party opening its doors and sending all its security home; now anyone is free to enter and nothing prevents them from taking full advantage of the services inside. In other words, if a system’s security mechanisms fail, the computer is exposed.