Navy civilian jobs include shipyard work, technology fields, and medical positions. These jobs pay competitive salaries and can be found on USAjobs.gov or through word of mouth. The Navy is selective in hiring and only top candidates are chosen.
Navy civilian jobs range from security to engineering. For virtually every career in the Navy, a civilian position also exists. Civilian status often overshadows the naval service member; however, in some cases, the civil servant replaces the navy member. Navy civilian jobs often pay wages comparable or higher than civilian jobs outside the Navy.
Many of the Navy’s civilian jobs are in shipyards. The design and maintenance of military ships is usually done by people with civilian jobs in the Navy. Welders and engineers are joined by electricians and painters, all working with the Navy, but also all civilians. These civilian positions usually pay competitive annual salaries that make the job lucrative. The Navy is selective and only top candidates get civilian jobs in the Navy.
Navy civilian jobs can be found by visiting USAjobs.gov. This site has a list of naval jobs available to civilians. Also check the Navy website and see the jobs section. In both cases, follow the instructions on how to apply for the desired positions. After choosing a position, request and submit a resume in accordance with the site’s guidelines. Failure to comply with the rules will be grounds for exclusion from the hiring process.
Often civilian Navy jobs are found through word of mouth. Navy personnel share information about upcoming positions with friends and colleagues – just as they do in the private sector. Putting yourself in the ranks of these people is often a great way to hear about a potential job opening. Check sources frequently and be diligent in returning to the source for up-to-date information. Navy civilian jobs are listed frequently and usually have a large number of applications for any given position.
With the modern Navy utilizing state-of-the-art electronics, many civilian jobs are available in technology fields. Positions in computer programming, program analyst, IT specialist and audiovisual production specialist are plentiful. Surveillance positions are always in demand for those who have security or police training. The Navy is frequently looking for retired officers to help train active duty personnel, as well as manning entry gates.
From cement contractors to plumbers, the Navy needs civilian positions filled with qualified candidates. Medical positions are also filled by civilian contractors. Many of the naval base medical technician vacancies are filled by civilians. Dentists and doctors, nurses and hospital staff are filled with the help of civil servants.