Carbohydrate diets can be low, moderate, or high in carb intake. Low carb diets, like the Atkins diet, are recognized as weight loss plans and can be safe over long-term periods. Moderate carb diets follow similar rules with slightly higher carb intake. High carb diets are used by bodybuilders and fitness professionals on select days. Diabetics can choose to follow reduced carbohydrate menus to control blood sugar levels.
Generally, there are three types of carbohydrate diets: those that include low, moderate, and high amounts of this dietary component. Healthy carbohydrates or whole grains can also be eaten as part of a healthy eating plan. Carbohydrate diets can also be used for weight loss or glucose control by diabetics.
Low carb diets are widely recognized as weight loss plans. The creator of the American diet, Dr. Robert Atkins, created his classic low-carb diet in 1972. This plan became popular with the publication of his book, Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution.
The book included step-by-step instructions on how to reduce your carb intake to force your body into ketosis. This is a state of energy metabolism in which stored fat is used for energy in the absence of carbohydrates. Research has shown that low-carb plans are safe over long-term periods, contrary to the opinions of many doctors since the inception of the Atkins diet plan.
Moderate carb diets tend to follow many of the same rules as low carb diets, with slightly higher carb intake. According to Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution, readers who have fewer pounds to lose can reduce their carbohydrate intake to a moderate level, between 60 and 100 grams per day. Following this type of plan can result in weight loss or maintenance.
Bodybuilders and fitness professionals often follow high-carb diets on select days. Ketogenic diets, or low-carb plans, are commonly followed for a certain number of days per week to increase fat loss and spare lean muscle. However, low-carb diets generally cannot support the high calorie burn associated with long workouts and high-intensity weight lifting. Therefore, the high carbohydrate diet days are used to supply the muscles with the necessary energy for growth and rejuvenation.
Some low-carb plans, like the South Beach Diet, have rewritten the diet guidelines to support moderate intake of a list of healthy carbohydrates. Whole foods, or those made with whole wheat or other grains, can be found on such food lists. These grains are not processed to remove the high-fiber outer layers and therefore supply the body with soluble and insoluble fiber.
Diabetics can choose to follow low, moderate, or healthy carbohydrate plans to control blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates are sugars and as such can cause spikes in blood glucose. Diabetics following reduced carbohydrate menus may choose slow-digesting carbohydrates or meal plans with fewer carbohydrates spread throughout the day. This last method can allow a better control of the amounts of sugar in the blood.