Ultrasounds and CT scans are diagnostic tools that can be used interchangeably in some cases. Ultrasounds use sound waves to create 2D images, while CT scans use X-rays to create 3D images. CT scans have higher radiation exposure and are not recommended for pregnant women and children. Doctors may choose an ultrasound first if it can provide equally effective results and is less expensive.
Ultrasounds and computed tomography (CT) are both diagnostic tools that allow doctors to visualize patients’ internal systems without invasive surgery. An ultrasound and a CT scan can be indicated in many different situations and can sometimes be used interchangeably for diagnostic purposes. While both tools can be used to view internal systems and diagnose similar conditions, there are several distinctions between the two.
One of the main differences between an ultrasound and a CT scan is the functional technology. Ultrasounds use high-frequency sound waves, which bounce off internal organs and create echoes. These echoes can then be transformed into a two-dimensional grayscale image for viewing. A CT scan is essentially a focused X-ray machine that takes several two-dimensional X-rays around a single point on the axis, thus allowing for the creation of a 3D image.
Another major difference between these two procedures is the type of equipment used. Ultrasound machines are usually mobile systems that connect a wand, known as a transducer, to a monitor screen. The doctor or ultrasound technician manually passes the wand over the area of the body to be examined, creating a real-time image on the screen, as well as allowing still images to be saved. CT machines are large stationary devices that usually consist of a large donut-shaped apparatus surrounding a table. The patient must remain still on the table while the imaging system takes x-rays.
A doctor choosing between an ultrasound and a CT scan for diagnosis may need to consider several important factors. While both techniques can be used to diagnose similar conditions, the radiation exposure required for CT scans can present a risk for some patients. Pregnant women and children are generally advised against CT procedures, as there are health risks associated with the level of radiation exposure. Some doctors also advise women of childbearing potential to avoid CT scans of the abdominal region, as there is a small chance that radiation could negatively affect fertility or cause harm if a woman does not know she is pregnant.
Given the risk of radiation, if both an ultrasound and a CT scan can offer equally effective imaging results, a doctor may choose to order an ultrasound first. This process may also be easier on the patient, as ultrasounds are usually less expensive than CT scans and may have a shorter waiting period. If, however, a CT scan has a higher sensitivity for a given condition, doctors may choose to opt for a CT scan. A CT scan may also be ordered if an ultrasound provides inconclusive results, in order to look at the problem from another angle.