UV radiation is a range of light beyond human perception that can cause sunburn and skin cancer. However, it also has health benefits such as inducing vitamin D production. UV technology is widely used, and it can be produced artificially. Sunscreen can prevent sunburn, and excessive exposure should be avoided.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a specific range of light on the electromagnetic spectrum. It is invisible to humans because its wavelength range is beyond the limit of human perception. UV rays are known to cause sunburn, but they also have beneficial effects on human health. The sun emits a lot of ultraviolet radiation, but most of it is blocked from reaching the earth’s surface by the ozone layer. Applications of UV technology are widespread in modern developed countries.
German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter discovered ultraviolet radiation in 1801 by observing the effects of sunlight on silver salts. He noticed that light with a wavelength just longer than visible violet light induced a chemical reaction in some compounds. Electromagnetic radiation is divided into groups based on a property called wavelength, which is related to the energy content of the radiation. The term “chemical rays” was soon adopted to distinguish this new form of light beam. Ultraviolet radiation is the preferred term today and is defined to have a wavelength range of 10 to 400 nanometers.
UV rays are known to cause sunburn and some forms of skin cancer. This occurs when excessive ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by DNA molecules, the molecules that contain genetic instructions in living things. This can cause mutations or permanent changes in the genetic code. Healthy levels of UV exposure differ for different skin pigments, with darker skin being able to absorb more UV radiation.
Most scientists agree that sunscreen can prevent sunburn in humans. For healthy UV exposure, people should use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply it every few hours. Infants and young children should be protected from the sun. Sunlight is at its strongest from 10am to 3pm, so exposure during these hours should be limited. People who spend a lot of time outdoors should consider wearing tightly woven fabrics for extra protection.
Despite its harmful effects, some level of UV exposure is thought to be beneficial. UV rays hitting the skin can induce the production of vitamin D, which has an important regulatory function for the nervous system. Vitamin D is also believed to aid in the maintenance and growth of bones.
Ultraviolet radiation can be produced artificially, just like visible light. Tanning beds use UV rays to have the same effect on the skin as natural sunlight. High levels of UV can be used to sterilize or disinfect surfaces in hospitals and science laboratories. In astronomy, UV detection can provide clues about the temperature and composition of an astronomical object.