True vitamin B5 deficiency is rare, often induced by starvation or strict dietary measures. Symptoms include tiredness, fatigue, and depression. Sources of B5 include grains, vegetables, meats, fish, and fruits. Deficiencies may be related to anorexia, malnourishment, smoking, excessive drinking, or hormonal contraceptives. A doctor can confirm deficiency through a blood test.
Vitamin B5 deficiency is a somewhat controversial topic. People looking for this on the internet will find many articles that are usually linked to sales sites that suggest a routine deficiency of this vitamin, causing conditions ranging from acne to depression, etc. While low amounts of this vitamin are occasionally seen, it should be noted that true vitamin B5 deficiency is very rare. It should also be noted that it is generally not harmful to take this form of B or pantothenic acid as a supplement, but it is not always necessary.
In those cases where vitamin B5 deficiency has actually been observed, the condition was often induced by starvation or extremely strict dietary measures. Symptoms of this condition are usually tiredness, fatigue, or lethargy. Some symptoms of depression have also been observed.
Often, the only time medical evidence suggests a deficiency can occur outside of these extreme circumstances is if people are starving and suffering from conditions such as anorexia or severely malnourished. It has been suggested that other causes of vitamin B5 deficiency could include smoking or excessive drinking, and that low levels of pantothenic acid are also occasionally related to the use of hormonal contraceptives, particularly in women over 35 years of age. Even with any or all of these behaviors, a deficiency may not be found.
One of the reasons for this is due to the many sources of this water-soluble vitamin. It is found in grains, vegetables, most meats and fish, and in common fruits such as oranges and bananas. There are also some suggestions that the human body can produce some vitamin B5, which could provide a ready supply if food intake is not sufficient. For most people, a diet that contains heavy protein elements or is primarily grain-based, which could describe meat-eating or vegetarian tendencies, is likely to provide adequate levels of the vitamin.
Although rare, vitamin B5 deficiency should not necessarily be overlooked as a potential problem, especially if any of the risk factors listed above are present, or if symptoms appear to be consistent with low pantothenic acid. . Actually, these symptoms are quite similar if other B vitamins are also low, and deficiencies of other types of B vitamins may be more common. If a person suspects a vitamin B5 deficiency, it’s certainly worth discussing the matter with a doctor, who might confirm this through a blood test and look for other causative factors for present symptoms, such as low levels of other B vitamins.