Asbestos poisoning can cause various health conditions, including cancer and lung conditions. It can take years for symptoms to appear, making it difficult to determine exposure. Asbestos abatement programs are being implemented, but those affected should seek medical attention and be cautious of accepting legal settlements.
Asbestos poisoning is an umbrella term to describe a variety of health conditions caused by exposure to asbestos. People with asbestos poisoning often have the right to seek legal compensation for their illness, if they can determine the cause and demonstrate that a particular exposure caused the illness. New cases of asbestos poisoning are constantly being diagnosed, though thanks to ramping abatement measures, public health officials are hopeful that new diagnoses will start to decline in the future.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was used extensively in a variety of industries until the medical community realized that it was causing numerous health problems. More classically, asbestos was used in insulation and ignition, but it was also used in tile and other materials. When asbestos is in an inert state, it does not cause health problems, but once the mineral is disturbed, as might be the case when asbestos insulation is pulled from a ceiling for replacement, people can be exposed to fibers and health problems may arise.
One of the most serious consequences of asbestos exposure is cancer such as mesothelioma or lung cancer. Tumors can also appear in other areas of the body. Patients may develop asbestosis, a lung condition, or asbestos warts, lesions on the skin caused by asbestos particles that have become lodged in the skin. Problems with the digestive tract due to exposure to asbestos have also been recorded.
A big problem with asbestos poisoning is that it can take years for symptoms to appear, making it very difficult to determine how and when someone was exposed. Someone who worked in an asbestos mine may be able to make a strong case that the exposure was clearly occupational, but someone who went to school in an asbestos facility may find it difficult to make a case, as they may have been exposed to asbestos in many settings, not just at school.
People with asbestos poisoning need medical attention, whether or not they can determine where and when they were exposed. Many patients diagnosed with asbestos-related conditions find themselves being seen by asbestos attorneys. Patients should be careful about accepting offers from attorneys, as the terms of any settlement may prove more favorable to the attorney than they will be to the patient.
Now that asbestos is recognized as toxic, people are working on asbestos abatement programs in many regions of the world. Public facilities that contain asbestos have been shut down and remodeled to remove the hazardous substance and replace it with something inert, and many people also remove asbestos in the course of remodeling their homes. People who are considering potential real estate purchases may want to consider having asbestos tested during the inspection period to determine whether or not asbestos is present, as abatement can be very costly.