Bloating is a common condition caused by gas, constipation, lactose intolerance, or overeating. It can also be a symptom of more serious conditions like tumors or dumping syndrome. Prevention includes avoiding gas-producing foods and eating slowly. Seek medical advice if bloating is persistent and accompanied by pain, diarrhea, or weight loss.
Bloating occurs when a person’s abdomen feels excessively full and tight. If so, the affected person’s abdominal area may feel swollen and their clothes may feel tighter than usual. Often, this bloating is caused by problems such as gas, constipation, lactose intolerance, indigestion, or overeating. Sometimes, however, bloating can have more concerning causes, such as tumors or dumping syndrome, which is a condition in which food moves through a person’s small intestine faster than normal.
In most cases, bloating is not a sign of anything serious. Instead, it usually occurs when a person has eaten too much or consumed gaseous food. Sometimes it develops as a result of lactose intolerance or in connection with a woman’s menstrual period. In fact, an individual may even develop temporary bloating if he swallows a lot of air, which can occur if he talks a lot during meals or chews gum.
Sometimes a person may have bloating because they are constipated. Bloating can also occur when a person has a condition such as gastroesophageal reflux or irritable bowel syndrome. A person may also face bloating after consuming foods or drinks that are irritating to his digestive tract. Weight gain can also cause it.
While swelling isn’t usually a sign of a worrisome condition, it can sometimes develop in connection with a serious disorder. For example, a person may experience bloating when they have liver disease or a benign or malignant tumor. Sometimes even a person with celiac will experience this. Celiac disease is a condition in which a person’s intestinal lining fails to absorb certain nutrients necessary for good health.
Often, the best treatment for bloating is prevention. A person who wants to prevent bloating can avoid foods that contribute to gas, such as soda, cabbage, and beans. You may also do well to avoid eating too fast, smoking, chewing gum, or talking a lot during meals. Additionally, there are some over-the-counter medications and home remedies that are said to help relieve or prevent abdominal gas buildup, but they may not always work.
While bloating is often harmless, there are times when it can be an indication that something is seriously wrong. An individual may do well to seek medical advice for bloating that seems persistent and is accompanied by pain, diarrhea, or bloody stools. Weight loss and worsening heartburn are also signs that you may need a doctor’s advice.