Actuators activate mechanical devices and come in different designs such as wheel and axle, pneumatic, hydraulic, solenoid, screw, and manual. Choosing a design depends on cost, purpose, long-term goals, and mechanical strength. Multiple actuators may be used for performance optimization. Wheel and axle designs are for interchangeable rotational and linear forces. Pneumatic designs are low-cost and use pressurized air, while hydraulic designs use fluids to create force. Solenoid designs use electromagnetic forces, and screw designs rely on simple machine screws. Manual designs are controlled manually and are best for minimal force or optimal control by human operators.
An actuator is essentially a mechanism that activates a mechanical device. The different types of actuator designs include wheel and axle, pneumatic, hydraulic, solenoid, screw, and manual. Choosing an actuator design usually requires consideration of cost, purpose, long-term goals and mechanical strength and how these factors interact with the business being performed. Many times, several actuators may be operating in a given situation, so performance optimization may become a primary concern.
Wheel and axle actuator designs are most often used when rotational forces and linear forces need to be interchangeable. In these actuators, rotation of a wheel typically transfers radial motion to linear motion to change the state of the actuator systems. Similarly, linear motion can also be transferred into radial motion with these designs, which is often useful in complex systems or systems involving motors.
Pneumatic actuators are often preferred due to their low cost and simple design. These actuators use pressurized air to create the necessary forces and to activate the mechanism. Often used for industrial applications, these designs typically depend on some sort of external power source to deliver the correct amount of pressurized air.
Hydraulic actuator designs are quite similar, but use hydraulic fluids to create desired pressures. These can often create large amounts of force in relatively small spaces, but may be limited in their range of motion or force capacity. In the most basic design, hydraulic fluid is pumped into one end of a chamber, forcing the actuator into an actuated position. As the fluid is released, the force is relieved and the actuator returns to its natural state.
Solenoid actuators use electromagnetic forces to activate mechanical devices. In these, solenoids are typically used to create electromagnets that exert magnetic forces on a mechanical spring and valve configuration. When magnetic forces are applied, these actuators activate, and when the magnetic forces are stopped, the forces are released.
Screw actuator designs rely on the characteristics of simple machine screws to produce the desired force. As the screw is turned, it can exert or release force on the internal mechanism. An advantage of these actuator designs is that they can be used to partially activate a mechanism based on particular requirements.
Manual actuators tend to be simpler, as they are controlled manually. All previous actuator designs can theoretically be controlled manually, such as a screw actuator or a wheel and axle actuator. These actuator designs are typically best in situations where minimal force must be exerted or when such forces can be optimally controlled by human operators.