Children with ADHD may also have ODD, which can lead to aggressive and destructive behavior. Diagnosis and treatment may involve counseling, medication, and addressing underlying issues such as family dynamics. Early identification of substance abuse is also important.
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are sometimes identified as having secondary behavioral problems. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), for example, may be suspected in young people with violent dispositions who often defy authority. ADHD and ODD can be offered as a combined diagnosis when hyperactive children show a pattern of hostility towards peers and authority figures. Aggressive or cruel behavior and other harmful and disturbing actions can lead to this diagnosis.
ADHD and ODD can be difficult to diagnose. Although many children throw tantrums occasionally, some of them behave in ways that are dangerous to themselves and others. Teens with ADHD and ODD may react vindictively when punished, destroy the property of others, and become rebellious and aggressive with people in positions of authority. They may refuse to play by the rules and show their disrespect in outrageous ways.
While children with ADHD typically have poor social skills, they are usually capable of empathy and compassion, even if they are unable to articulate it. When they do something wrong, they have the ability to acknowledge it and feel remorse for their actions. Children who also have ODD, however, seem to have no regrets, guilt, or shame about any of their misdeeds.
When these destructive behavior patterns last for six months or more, children and adolescents may be diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder. Most often, symptoms first appear after a major disruption within the home, such as a divorce. Children with ADHD and ODD may behave aggressively as a coping mechanism. Some of them are even victims of abuse.
In cases where children show a reluctance to follow rules, behave violently, and intentionally desecrate other people’s property, concerned parents can make an appointment with a family doctor or counselor. Speech therapy sessions with a child psychologist can sometimes uncover the source of the challenge. With the collaboration of caregivers, behavior modification plans can be established to rehabilitate a person with ADHD and ODD. Medications may also be prescribed.
Many times, depression or anxiety disorders accompany ADHD and ODD. It is important for mental health professionals to understand the family dynamic and other challenges the child may face in order to establish effective treatment modalities. ODD is rarely diagnosed as a person’s only behavioral problem. Identifying the underlying cause of a violent or intolerant nature can take time. However, the sooner a diagnosis is made, the better chance the child has of making a positive change.
Some teens with ADD and ODD also battle drug or alcohol addictions. Early identification of a substance abuse problem can sidestep long-term physical and mental health conditions. Under certain circumstances, an inpatient treatment center is the best option for troubled teens. Group therapy and individual counseling sessions are then combined with a behavior modification program. If needed, you may also need detoxification and addiction recovery treatment.