Upright posture has many health benefits such as reducing strain on muscles and joints, preventing carpal tunnel syndrome, and improving blood flow and breathing. Slouching can lead to back, neck, and shoulder pain, and poor posture can affect a person’s personality and career. Exercises can help correct bad posture, but serious posture problems should be addressed by a doctor.
Upright posture can have many significant health benefits. Holding the skeletal frame in its intended position can help reduce strain on muscles and joints and reduce the incidence of joint inflammation. People with poor posture often have a higher incidence of strain in the neck and back area. Upright posture can also help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition believed to afflict about 4 percent of people worldwide.
Slouching is one of the most common types of bad posture. This is a general description for allowing the shoulders to sag forward, rather than keeping them upright. Hunching over can eventually lead to back, neck and shoulder pain. Additionally, a hunched over posture can also constrict the lungs and interfere with normal breathing. Maintaining an upright posture is considered essential for normal blood flow and breathing.
Studies of typists appear to show that carpal tunnel syndrome may be more common in people who lack upright posture, especially in people with sedentary lifestyles. Sometimes, people with relatively good posture may adopt poor posture when sitting. Keeping your body straight, with your back against a chair and both feet on the floor generally improves blood flow and can help reduce the stress on your hand and wrist muscles.
There are many exercises that could help people achieve an upright posture. One example involves standing against a wall making sure that both the back of your head and the back of your feet are touching the wall. Then, your lower back and both arms should also be forced against the wall. While in this position, the arms should be moved in an arcing motion until they are above the head. Repeating this exercise at least ten times a day can sometimes help with many different types of bad posture.
Upright posture appears to have a psychological impact. People with upright posture often present a more engaging personality, which can help them in both personal life and career. Squatting and other types of poor posture are sometimes read as a type of body language and can make a person appear more shy or less energetic. Many career-oriented seminars include posture training, as good posture is believed to help people advance in their careers.
In some cases, poor posture can have a serious underlying cause. Certain types of spinal deformities or injuries can cause posture problems. Posture that cannot be corrected or is accompanied by pain should probably be brought to the attention of a doctor.