Air Force Training Program: What is it?

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The Air Force training program teaches recruits job-specific skills and is taught by military instructors. The length of training varies by job, and recruits must pass a test to complete the program. Physical training is less severe, and upon completion, recruits are ordered to their duty station. The training may also help with civilian employment.

An Air Force training program teaches a recruit how to do his job correctly and efficiently while in the Air Force. Much like a college course, the Air Force’s training program focuses on the task at hand. The program follows the core training portion and focuses more on teaching skills than physical fitness. Training programs differ among the various types of jobs in the Air Force.

When enlisting in any branch of the US military, the enlistee must choose a military occupational specialty, simply put: a job. In the Air Force, they are called Air Force Special Codes (AFSCs). In the Air Force, most of these jobs revolve around technologies like computers. Upon completion of the basic training portion of the training, the recruit enters the training component of the AFSC. Here, the recruit is instructed in the basics of his job and taught the means to meet related requirements.

Air Force training is taught by military instructors who are the best in their respective fields. They answer questions and, more importantly, teach recruits how to find the answers. Some training, like pilot training, would cost a civilian thousands of dollars. The Air Force training program is free to all recruits. Most training is completed with the best state-of-the-art equipment possible, and this is often equipment unavailable in the civilian sector.

The length of time the Air Force training program takes is job-specific. Some jobs require much more extensive training than others, so it will take longer to teach you. Upon completion of any Air Force training program, the recruit will be tested. Those who do not receive a passing grade may be required to retest or even repeat training. The recruit must be at the top of his skill set to be able to exit the training program and be assigned to serve a permanent duty post in the Air Force.

While in the Air Force training program, recruits are treated the same way they are in boot camp. They will be awakened in the morning for physical training and will operate in platoon order or flights, while completing basic tasks such as cleaning a barracks. Physical training is less severe during an Air Force training program as the main focus is on classroom performance.

Upon completion of the Air Force training program, the recruit will be ordered to his duty station and depart to begin a career in his chosen field. For many, this training will help them secure employment in the civilian workforce when they finish their stint in the Air Force. For others, the training may qualify them for a lifetime career in the Air Force, and perhaps even to teach one day in an Air Force training program.

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